

MARX BROTHERS have been recognised by those wonderful people at Powersoccer Extra by Airfix_9 being asked to give an interview. It is reproduced here:

Interview with a Marx Brother

No, it's not Chico, Harpo, Groucho, Zeppo, or Gummo. This week I am interviewing Mr. Chris Jones (airfix_9). He is a member of the elite Marx Brothers clan and an outstanding member of the Power Soccer community to boot. Chris does not even mind playing friendlies against lower-level opponents (I know this from personal experience). In many ways, he embodies what Power Soccer is really all about.

Sc0obie: Many users have complained about new updates in the past. Are there any real reasons to be unhappy about the new updates?

CJ: I don't think so. The game has to evolve in order to remain challenging and I do appreciate that the game is harder than it was. I just think that it makes winning more enjoyable. There are some really cool features in the latest version like the through-pass. Played well, it can split the defence of the opponent and create a goal opportunity. Most of the complaints come from those who have got used to winning under the old system but nature teaches us to adapt to our surroundings. Those who are doing well now have adapted more quickly!

Sc0obie: Why did you decide to join the Marx Brothers clan?

CJ: I am friends with sipwell and it was his idea. I was one of the first two to be invited, along with tommyroels. I like it in Marx Brothers - we don't take ourselves too seriously as our main aim is to have fun. We just want to be a little bit different to the other clans... a kind of "anti-clan". Too many people get fixated on winning points - we just like to enjoy the game. If we lose, we lose: we just play another! Have a look at our blog - www.themarxbrothers.blogspot.com (plug plug).

Sc0obie: Being an admin is often a thankless duty. What satisfaction do you gain from being an admin?

CJ:I enjoy being an admin immensely. I admit that I was a bit worried about becoming one because I thought it would be all work and no play. Whilst it IS work, the other admins are great fun and we're a little community all of our own. Teamwork is important in being an admin and we see ourselves as one big team. What I don't like doing is banning people. Why users have to start abusing each other is beyond me - just be cool, have fun and, if you lose, play another game. After all, it IS just a game. Ultimately, banning someone is denying them the chance to play. Still, if you get banned, you've only got yourself to blame. So play nicely guys (and girls) huh?

Sc0obie: Are there any particular users who you enjoy playing against and what makes playing against them so enjoyable?

CJ: I like playing the other admins as we're all very competitive. Sipwell is always game for a laugh and we tend to play three consecutive friendlies as we're always chatting. Well, I am chatting while he scores (he always beats me). Really, I enjoy playing anyone who likes to play with the right spirit. If I lose - hey, who cares? As long as I have fun doing it (is this line getting boring?)

Sc0obie: Do you have any comments on Powersoccerextra.weebly.com?

CJ: I love it. I read it often and it's a great way to get a feel for how others see and play the game. I think it is a great portal for spreading the word about this great game - more should play. The whole WORLD should play!!

Sc0obie: You have so many fans that some of them (apparently four at least) have created usernames that are similar to yours. What are your thoughts on this?

CJ: Have I??? lol. I know of a user called airfix (without the _9) but he started before I came into the game. We played each other a few times but I think he's stopped now. I try to be fair to everyone and I know that people say that they like me and that's cool. It's nice to be liked. I'm just part of a team, though.

Sc0obie: As far as Power Soccer is concerned, what is more important: having fun or points? What makes you in favor of one rather than the other?

CJ: Oh, having fun, naturally. I used to get hung up on points but, pardon the pun, I don't see the point now. When it gets boring, I'll leave. It shows no sign of doing that yet, though!

Sc0obie: What things in Power Soccer would you like to see changed?

CJ: I would like to see headers, although I am aware that this is a programming nightmare for a web-based game. There seem to be a lot of users who think that it should be more like FIFA or Pro-Evo but I like it because it isn't. Yes, the players run funny. Yes, it is more basic than the console games. That's the attraction, though - it's rawer. I would like to be able to control the keeper at times and I would really like to have more options at dead-ball situations (like the goal kicks - why can't we kick it in a wider arc?). Also, corners annoy me at times - sometimes, there's no-one in the box at all!! Still, I think it's the best game on the web and I've played a few!

Remember to check out the Marx Brothers' blog!

by Sco0bie (reporter)- 5th Feb '08

You can get to Powersoccer Extra (it is well worth a read) by clicking this link.

1 comment:

dr_eindhatre said...

go airfix!
nice interview!