
New Member: Polidoro76/ Lenar official MARX BROTHER buddy

New Member: Polidoro76

I got a complaint from Gmail saying that they can’t handle the thousands of mails per day I receive. When I explained them it is for the bigger glory of Powersoccer and the bigger glory of ourself, MARX BROTHERS, they immediately upgraded my mailbox and asked whether we ‘wanted to make some money’ with our blog. I refused their million dollar offer, saying that we may be the coolest anti-clan in powersoccerland but that we are not for sale.
In the meantime, MARX BROTHERS has accepted a new member: Polidoro76 and his team AS Bari. With the exception of omnipotent and godly airfix_9, MARX BROTHERS anti-clan members are only humans and long for the warm sea-shore activities in Bari. Polidoro76 is our ticket to real life paradise and therefore we gladly accepted his application.

Polidoro76 has an impressive 34% win-lose ratio. As an FA, he acts with wit and humour in the forum and he writes for the powersoccerextra newsflash organization who update us with information and who have a funny highlight competition running from time to time. Chubby also mentioned the presence of a rooster on his badge as a big, big plus. Who are we to refuse such an impressive player and impressive powersoccer user.

Three cheers for Polidoro76.

Lenar official MARX BROTHER buddy

Since the first day of our existence, we have had a lot of critique and bad comments by other clans. As I wrote elsewhere on this blog, much of these comments must be seen as expressions of fear. I suggest we in future refer to the other clans as rabbits (Chubby and Polidoro might be offended if we would call them chickens).
There is one important exception and that is why this user deserves a special mention in this blog and a special mention in our clan: Lenar. Not only has he repeatedly defended us in the forum (just check it), he clearly said that ‘if his RP wasn’t that high, he would file an application’. He also is a regular reader of this blog and – it is a day of self-interest – one of his players has Sipwell as a nickname.
Lenar is the type of clan member we appreciate and that is why Lenar will be granted the title of Honorary Buddy of the MARX BROTHER anti-clan. From now on it is strictly forbidden to mock lenar in the game or in this blog. Whenever he is defeated by one of us (which will, logically, happen a lot), he should be consoled by at least two MARX BROTHERS. Printscreens of this terrible occurrence should never be made and the MARX BROTHER who defeated him should play enough games to erase the Game Info from his statistics page.

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