
Achievements of BDKAS

Dear readers of our blog,

All Marx Brothers are very busy lately to make a) this game more enjoyable (all the MA’s, FA’s, CA’s); b) earning money to pay their internet connection and club membership. It will settle in a while for sure. It doesn’t mean nothing funny happens anymore…

BDKAS clan updated their blog: it now has a professional air and it is well done. All Marx Brothers are scratching their hair since they have no idea how to do so… Yet, there was something extremely funny there. Just have a look at the achievement part:

Does BDKAS actually say they have no achievements yet but that they are coming soon? It is all very logical to me: you have a thread on achievements which is completely empty and no mention in other places… At least MARX BROTHERS won one official cup.

It is even more tragic to notice that this message was posted on the 13th of February, almost one month ago... No achievements in one whole month… Too bad, BDKAS, too bad...



Airfix_9 said...

And, like a fool, I went there and thought... "there's nothing to read here". I didn't see that that WAS the issue!!!


Kishan said...

whats up? see the thing is we are also busy to update the things so it will be updated soon

soroe said...

May it's my turn to play one of them. In that case they might have just ONE little thing to bragg about.


Ricardo Marinho said...

It is not true ... I won some South Americas .. just not communicated to the clan ...