
Sipwell misunderstood

As people work closely together to make a brilliant community like powersoccer even more brilliant, they might start considering a clan who is sarcastic and ironic to the whole process. They act with irony within its different forum part towards other users but also towards clan members... They write posts with an ironic or even sarcastic undertone about the performance of clan members or other users of the game...
At some point this irony might become mainstream and might not be picked up by some users. They might start taking irony for reality... Minor discussions can erupt (as you can see in the comments section of this blog). Some of the readers and users of this forum may have taken their dreams for reality... If sipwell does a marriage proposal, you can interpret this in a limited number of ways: 1) pure irony; 2) respect for the moral and ideological union with the player in question and an expression of that union... Sipwell is definitely not buying a dress or making appointments with town and church authorities... Ms. airfix can sleep on her both ears, to use a bit of Dunglish: sipwell is not going to steal away Mr. airfix... There is at least one good reason: he doesn't like kissing men with moustaches. :P


Airfix_9 said...

Shaved the beard (it was a beard, mate) AGES ago. Now clean-shaven.

Have asked Mrs Airfix.... she asked how much compensation she would be due? I think she is prepared to hold out for a whole Euro....

sipwell said...

The idea it might come back... horrifies me...

Say to Mrs Airfix that her offer is a bit overrated. The Euro is a strong coin for the moment... My non-negotiable counter offer is 20 cents, a box of potpourri and two broken nails

soroe said...

Does those fingernails come from scratching Airfix's now shaved face. If it is, I don't wanna know more and you both might consider a more private forum for your loveaffair :))

sipwell said...

@ soroe: I meant real nails, not fingernails... It is a tradition in Belgium to give someone nails for some occasion.

PS. I would never scratch Mr. Airfix... shaven or not?

soroe said...

Nails? Do you use them like my wife and I use handcuffs?

sipwell said...

@ I don't believe the blog could handle the answer to your question... it would for sure explode.

soroe said...

Just wanted to learn about other countries culture and way of doing things. Like eating, drinking sleeping and........:)