
BDKAS opens a clan war: MB set to "seek and destroy" modus

Our ex-friends – and I stress the “ex” – over at BDKAS are somehow accusing us of slacking. It is absolutely true that we have been absent from these pages for quite a while. That probably has a lot to do with the fact that Marx Brothers consists out of two MA (Sipwell and Airfix_9) and the head of the reporters (Polidoro76). Rather than think about the self interest of our clan – against the clan principles – we work day in and day out to improve the game and everything around it. Our other clan members also participate in the well being of the forum and the well being of the Chat.
At the same time, Marx Brothers have been in close negotiations with some top notch players to join the clan, some “fallen angels” as we call them. These negotiations take a lot of time and a lot of energy which make us not capable of writing a daily entry in this magnificent blog.
Funnily enough, the clan who accused us has hardly written a sensible post itself. I think they have edited their blog about fifteen times already and they have been open doors for coming and going from members. Rumour has it that they are close to a final breakdown. Marx Brothers on the other hand has always had a steady membership. With the exception of chubby_liverpool nobody left our clan. Our present members are all dedicated and willing to stay in this superb clan.
What the people of BDKAS also don’t know is that we have a hidden blog somewhere on blogspot, where only a limited number of people have access too. Everybody can read the blog but it is difficult to find. That blog is updated daily with interesting stories not for everyone’s eyes…

But… point taken: we will try to make this blog a three times a week rollercoaster for all the adventures in and around powersoccer. After all: we have to give all the hundred of thousands of people supporting our fabulous clan – where having a great time is valued higher than winning official cups and ranking points – a laugh and a cry.

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