
Meet our Old Friend Duke the Evil Blind Hairy Penguin

"I admit, the Marx Brothers have many quality posts, but they only come from AF9 and wispell. Other hopeless attempts made by their other clan members are just sad. Now if you look at BDKAS' wide variety of clever users, you can see that there is me, kish, bigdaddyat, lenar, and dag. We are all capable of shutting those Marx Brothers down, four against two is not very good odds" where the words spoken by a prevaricating author of the so called --BDKAS-- blog.

Regarding to this quote, facts show Duke is a liar. Thats right; a liar. The last time lenar has posted an article in the --BDKAS-- blog was April 21, 2008 regarding his retirement until June. Furthermore, dagriggstar's latest post was on April 13, 2008 on the same subject- retirement.
No where else in their blog will you find an article written by neither lenar nor dagriggstar. So is it time for you to admit your lie?

But who is this so called "Duke
the penguin" to talk? Let me just tell you the real story behind "soccerduke27." You may have got the impression that this forum admin is a nice, trustworthy individual. You got that all wrong! Duke is a penguin who is struggling to develop. With a patch of hair missing from his belly, no lady penguin cares to take a look at him. Would you stand a chance to look at this thing? (See Duke the penguin's picture at the bottom of this post)

Regarding to this penguins attitude towards things, this
creature lives in Antarctica, studying as a computer programmer to change IP addresses. This is why we know Duke as an American. Now a true penguin would be able to survive in America. Thus, this computer programmer wants us to believe he is. Part time, Duke plays soccer around the nest by himself. In fact, his motto is "A simple evil penguin that likes to play soccer." Now to avoid any confusion, the so called "picture" on soccerduke27's teampage is of his idol penguin, who he wishes to look like.

Signing out from Antarctica,



ricepudding9 said...

Hehe nice but that's not a penguin :P

Kishan said...

alright mate

let me clear the things here ....

dag can't post the message because he is busy studying untill end of nov. and as for lenar it is just he is busy coz he is graduating from high shcool......and as for the sotry of the duke r u serious? making a lie stories to win ????