
Peace comes to Marx Brothers Land?

With the apparent outbreak of hostilities between Belgium and England, a peacemaker is needed and one has stepped up to the plate.

Welcome, please, our Swiss Miss, the Peacemaker... (drum roll)..... BELFUE!

Please say hi to our newest recruit.

( I got somewhat used to edit in the brilliant powersoccer website to add and change things, so why not do it here/sipwell)
Last week we said that we were in some high level negotiations with one of the remorseful top 100 players (" a Fallen Angel" as we phrased it back then). BDKAS laughed at us. Well, we got result. What other Clan can boost it has three of the most respected MA's, the head of the reporter and a bunch of respected users in their clan? No one can, except the Marx Brothers. Don't get me wrong: we did not select or ask Belfue to join us because we wanted an extra MA. We asked him because we truly respect our 'Mr. Big balls' - as he calls himself; always a sign that he has not much to brag about down there - for who he is, what he does and how he acts. He is a Swiss, he is a bit cuckoo (listening to some very odd music, hence the team name) but always very witty, funny and the like. I may sound mellow, but this "goatment" is now off for a smoke and a cry. I like to use the words of a certain American commander in a certain unkown country a couple of years ago: "Ladies and Gentlemen, we got him!" (sipwell)


Belfue said...

Peacemaker? Damn guys, i'm really not a flower eating, hippie! But really a Miss, thanks for your compliment! ;)

your miss

Anonymous said...

hehe , very funny this is what i've been posting this morning,
finally you are where you belong mate !

By tommyroels (CA) Today 11:37am

why i didnt see the name of Mr big balls overhere !

Although i never had won a single game against him, and he's on top of my list of people who i want to defeat, my vote goes for "Belfue" !

it is normal marx brothers are always on top of any list available ,this will be so till eternity, this clan will surive all other clans, without any doubt...

although belfue isnt a marx bro , he is everything what a marx bro should be and stand for !

off the record 1; it's hard to choose 1 , mates, it would be better to do it all again with a top 5 or top 10, more people would vote for this one because 1 is hard to choose

off the record 2 : my favourite girl in this game is christine aka airfix ! :p

soroe said...

Oh what a joy, what a thrill and what a wonderful feeling to welcome such a respected and reknown member of this community.

Welcome belfue!

mfsoccer94 said...

We are all saved.
The Marx Brothers continue to rule Power Soccer through irony and fair play.
Welcome Belfue to the