
Will they ever learn? Flavorless Argumentation is where BDKAS is good at!

Aaah, even the illustrous Marx Brother in disguise soccerduke27 has seen the BDKAS-light of bad argumentation, non-argumentation and the like. We at Marx Brothers expected a more thorough defence on their part. What do we get? An inconsistent stream of words who were developed to make a point but don’t.

It is very cheap of BDKAS to claim that kish did not want to take the League victory away of our mfsoccer94. With the Olympic Games approaching, find me one athlete who – after being in the lead in the 10 kilometres – stops before the finish line to say to the second one: go ahead mate, win this game! They invented a specific word for that kind of happenings: stupid! If you can win, you should – especially if you are a BDKAS. It by the way does not matter than mfsoccer94 played one game more! He won, that is what matters. He showed to all of humanity that Marx Brothers can be extremely successful in this game if they wanted. The fact is that we don’t need to be successful, as we are playing to have a good time. If that comes with winning games from time to time (by bad play of the opponent, so be it).

The fact that we DO post our wins against BDKAS and they don’t do so, is simply because they claim to be better yet keep on losing from us. If you are better, you should not lose 2-0. You should win all games all the time. If the basketball team of Belgium wins from USA – a game they should and could never do – Belgium would have all rights to brag about it as it is a no-lose game for USA. Get your facts straight, o mr. duke.

Concerning your chat box: the screenshot clearly shows Lenar – isn’t he one of the Clan brothers – saying that “this chat is dead”. There is nothing to happen there. Even if you have to log in to do so (what clear thinking mind would do so, it is pointless) you are confronted with nothing, nothing at all. It is like going to the Movie Theatre when they play no movies. The seats may be good, the popcorn as well but it is o so boring.

Concerning the counter: think straight, mister! If you post once every week one lousy article, while Marx Brothers is publishing or even two a day, what would you, as a non-partisan reader, prefer? A “We won a cup yippie” article (Post itself: Lenar won this cup. Congratulations) or an in-depth report on the game, the clans, its users and the like! I think the choice is easily made. Besides: judging the forum entries on Marx Brothers, it is clear where people head to. Not BDKAS for sure!

As a concluding note:

Marx Brothers don’t “think” they are the greatest people in the world; they simply ARE the greatest people in the world. It is time to face the facts, BDKAS. If you start losing from Marx Brothers – in the league, in cups, in games – it means there is something rotten in the state of BDKAS. Why don’t you – just like MADINI does now – refurbish yourself a bit. You seem awfully dusty, smelly and ‘old’. It shows. We have a suggestion for a new clan name for you guys: the “Gerontocrats” as you all seem to retire or seem to play like 90 year olds.

PS. It is probably an American disease (laziness) but this author is called Wispell and wants to be addressed that way. Keep it in mind, before you start to familiarize.


BigDaddyAt said...
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BigDaddyAt said...

1st, congrats to MFSoccer on his win, no one will take that away from him. Let's be honest here though, that no one wants to win based on purely having one more game. MFS didn't even want that, as he begged Ricepudding9 to play Kish in the final days before the league ended, and I applaud him for that, just as he appreciated my willingness to play him when he couldn't get a game. Perhaps Rice didn't want to be blamed for MB losing the league if he couldn't muster a win vs. Kish? Just a thought...

Kishan said...

btw bigdaddy is right ......there was a time when someone said not to play mejust coz they are in same clan .............and after being told not to play me why should i bother playing the match when one wants to win the damn league by telling not to play me???????????

sipwell said...

Excuses... nothing but excuses (especially from kish). Bigdaddyat at least shows himself big in defeat! That should be lauded

duke27 said...

Doesn't sound like an excuse to me..

Anonymous said...

what's the big difference with bdkas and marx bro's,

marx bro's : laughing even when they win or lose

bdkas : laughing when they win, crying when they lose
( isnt that the same definition for children between 2 and 6 ? :p )

duke27 said...

Guys... It is clear that your player was afraid to lose a game... Just so another clan couldn't win. If you think that is right, you are not the Marx Brothers we used to know...

BigDaddyAt said...

Thanks for the kind words Sip. Losing is nothing to be ashamed of, as MB can well attest, as long as you try and play with respect for your opponent. We at BDKAS have enjoyed the respectful arguments with MB (at least over my brief stay). Alas, I do not have the requisite number of losses to be absorbed into MB with the apparent dissolving of BDKAS, so I will have to look elsewhere.