
BDKAS is no more

Due to a lot of bad luck the last couple of days, BDKAS decided to call it a day and disband itself. I have been harsh times for them lately but there was no good reason to continue. This, to some extent, also means that Marx Brothers can claim victory, but we decide to refrain from it. If your opposing team gets struck by lightning halfway the game, you could go on and score some goals but there is no point really.
We mourn for the loss of BDKAS as a clan, as we fought some good battles and we had some very good moments together. Think of all the appearances of BDKAS clan brothers on this page, where they lost in games and where we took a screenshot just to bully them. Think of the cooperation between Marx Brothers and BDKAS in the strive for Airfix_9 his moustache. Also think of our recent clan war, in which both groups put forward argumentation and sillyness in order to compete with the other. Alas, those days are over. No longer will we be able to "viciously" attack a clan whom we both loved and despised. There is no replacement possible: only BDKAS had a special place in our heart.

Therefore, we ask all readers of this blog, to keep one minute silence for that terrible loss:


Kishan said...

thx sip

that was great!!

MB will be remembered.........for the great fight they put......sooner or later there is gonna be another clan started so get ready...thats all i can say for now

BigDaddyAt said...

Thanks Sip, I was new to the BDKAS-MB fray, but enjoyed my short time on board. Sadly things change, and by the way, I think that was really only 59 seconds...