
-BIA- A One Man Show?

Well, I come to you from the "other side of the pond", as Christine or Wispell might say. Revitalized from my break, albeit brief, from the "clan wars" that have become rampant of late. I am BigDaddyAt, the newest member of MB (along with my partner, the "evil hairy penguin," Soccerduke).

As Soccerduke and I settle into our new digs here at MB, we find our respite to be short-lived, as the remaining members of the old BDKAS have reunited to form BIA, and launch a new attack on MB. We are not the least bit concerned with this latest of attacks on our society, as we are quite comfortable where we sit. After all, we are not in the slightest worried about being overtaken by a "clan" that promises to be a "one man show."

Why would we anticipate this to be the case? Well for starters, look over the history of the old BDKAS blog during the "war" with MB. Sure you will find a plethora of well thought out peices, written in a jovial and entertaining manner, directed at MB. However, let's dig a little deeper and actually see who posted the "well written" entires...it appears that they were almost all written by our very own Soccerduke. In fact only 2 or 3 were written by anyone other than Soccerduke (and 1 of those was by myself). Who authored the others might you ask? No other than Kishan, the leader of the old BDKAS, and instigator of the rebirth of the "new" BIA. This leads any logical observer to assume that the BIA "war" on us will be merely a one man show by Kish, which is further evidenced by the blog title itself "Brother in Arms." Ha ha, what, only 1 brother? There is the textbook definition of a Freudian slip, if ever i saw one.

If BIA is expecting Kish to lead them into this war, they may have some rather difficult issues to consider. Most of you may not know Kish's big secret...he is a sherpa from Nepal (see the pic at right), who is attempting to achieve domination of Powersoccerland.

Now, isn't a sherpa a born "leader" you might ask? The answer would be yes, however they are only valuable as leaders due to their knowledge of the rocky, mountainous terrain over which they lead. If BIA is intent on climbing to the top of Mt. Marx (a territory Kish is very unfamiliar with), a sherpa is a good person to start with. Unfortunately, when (if) they do manage to find the top of this mountain, all they will find is...

Why is Mt. Marx such a desolate place you might ask? Simple because we are so disinterested in the advancing BIA "army", that we are busy doing other things...such as living our lives.

Christine is too busy drinking tea, and hoping that it will stimulate some more hair growth on her upper lip, so that the outrage in PSLand may subside. Sipwell is still busy smoking, drinking, and searching for his parents (perhaps Kish may find Sip's mother on top of that mountain...

At last report, Tommyroels is still passed out on that beach, after his big "99" celebration, with the chorus of "Il Est Vraiment Phenomenal" coursing through his head. Perhaps we should serve coffee and tea at our next bash... MFSoccer and Ricepudding are busy writing stories for PS Extra, and trying to keep their boss, Polidoro, happy. While Soccerduke and myself are still settling in here. We've had to "expand our space" so as to fit all the things we brought with us in, and we put up a few new "decorations" to make the place a wee bit prettier.

Thanks to all the well wishers on my new home, I look forward to being here for a while.


EDIT - You like how I did that Kish? We at Marx Brothers welcome the input of others in the form of comments. While certain comments may not be suitable for publishing in these pages (and need to be subsequently removed), we are not afraid to hear what anyone has to say about our Blog posts. So Kish, tell me, why is it that you have set your blog to allow for comments only after you have approved of them? Is it so that you can censor the opinions of others? Hmmmm

Oh, and since you aren't approving my comments on your last post...thanks for helping to promote the visual improvements we've recently made to our blog by highlighting on yours... ;)


mfsoccer94 said...

Nice post!!ahahha

duke27 said...

Ouch BIA... That hurt.

duke4 said...

Still laughing... :D