
Brothers in Arms, a Idea that Will Never Work

Well, here comes a new clan, or should I say a new fluke. Fueled by two members who used to be in BDKAS, this clan supposedly "Works as a Crew of Brothers" which supports each other in unity. So, brothers hugging one another? Holding each other up? I suspect, that if these brothers did not hold hands, the clan would have fallen apart. In fact, this clan is so terrible, that they even triggered a forum bug I had never seen before. The forums do have attitude, and they probably thought that the rear end of an elephant would smell better than that clan. If you don't believe me, have a look for yourself:

Yikes! and yet this clan expects to excel. But many brothers holding hands is hardly a force compared to many brothers with strong weapons (wit and skill). The entry post of this band of brothers declared war again, it said this:

"Our sole purpose is to revolutionize power challenge and fight the evil empire, the Marx Brothers. You will quickly learn that when you mess with one brother, you mess with all the brothers of this crew."

First of all, you are a one day old clan, how do you know we are and evil empire. Also, it isn't too frightening to fight all of your clan, as it is something like 3 members, who have to hold each other up to keep from falling apart. Since you have now declared war on us, this so called "evil empire" will make you regret ever saying those words, especially when you lose the war, and continue to rub the words into your face.

So good luck revolutionizing powersoccer BIA, as there is a better chance of sipwell doing the hokey pokey than achieving your goals...

From nowhere special (BIA blog),



bojan77 said...

Marx Brothers -BIA- is not standing alone!! • Ŗãpŧǿřş • is together with -BIA- to destroy your evil empire! soon -BIA- will have more allies!! and MB will go down!!


bojan77 said...

I think that the bug in the forum was your screen duke!! because in my it looks perfect!!

seriously you should check your compu maybe it has a bug and you don't even know!!

BigDaddyAt said...

Uh oh, Raptors? Aren't they the ones whose owner is in Legends?