
Like Sands Through the Hourglass.....

So are the days of -BIA-. ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

My name is Duke4 and I am one of the newest instruments of destruction (as far as -BIA- is concerned) here at Marx Brothers. Today is a special day for me. It is a day that I have waited for since becoming a member of this amazing Power Soccer community. Today is the day that I have found my home. I have become a part of the most outspoken and dynamic outfit in Power Soccer history. I am a Marx Brother and I am here to have fun, lose a few games and enjoy the company of my new brothers and Teabag Christie.

I would like to say that as a Marx Brother, I am dedicated to the war effort and will apply my skills in the fight against the soon to be weeping Babe in Arms. It shouldn't be that tough of a battle seeing that we are only up against two simple minds.

By the way Kishan, why don't you and mini-me (Lenar) replace your spell check button with a new button that has just made its way onto the market. It's called Ghetto Check and it should really help you on those days when the air gets too thin up in the mountains of Colorado.
ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Ghetto check will help u make posts more enjoyable for da educated reader. If you need help wid da download, juz let me know! lolz

I am happy to be here and look forward to the times that we have ahead.



Airfix_9 said...

Babes-In-Arms - love it!

dr_eindhatre said...

congrats mate!

hope u enjoy ur time with the Marx Brothers! its worth the effort!

ricepudding9 said...

Hehe nice post m8 :P

BigDaddyAt said...

Ha ha ha ha! Classic article Duke! Well written and funny peice. "Ghetto check" lol, now dats some crazy junk yo!

ha ha ha ha ha

duke27 said...

It is apparent that we've truly won the war. About four attacks on the "Babes in Arms" and no response :P

soroe said...

An extremely warm welcome, your highness, sir duke.
Nice attack, keep 'em comming.