
A New Clan On The Marx Brother's Menu, TUGAS

Hello all! It is time that we get back to doing what we do best, beating other clans in wars. At the Marx Brothers, we strive in wit and penmanship, which allows us to use them to our greatest advantage during wars.

First of all, I would like to thank you, the reader, for continuously coming back and seeing what our blog has to offer. We are very happy you do so, and are glad to release our HIDDEN COUNTER (well, if you are observant it isn't hidden) at the bottom of our blog! We have installed this a couple days ago, and we have been getting approximately 120 visitors a day. If you look at any other clan, you would be surprised to see them passed 30. So thank you, readers. We don't blame you that you like to visit our blog often, as you see some free entertainment from the wittiest users in all of powersoccerland. As one more note, please do not ask us to join the clan. See this post for details.

Permission to digest TUGAS? Permission granted!

So, what do we see first when we log on to this annoying blog? Well, it looks somewhat like this:

Actually, this is a picture of massimo's room, but as you can see, it is an unorganized mess. Which is like the TUGAS blog! Nothing is in order, you see millions of different things scattered everywhere. What is at the Marx Brothers? Posts, a chat , and our members. What else do we need? That is the question we ask TUGAS.

The next thing I notice, is a terrifying beat of a song pierce my ears, overly loud, which almost made me fall out of my chair (which has no back to it, unfortunately). Then the song got a little better (though that is an overstatement), but it was clear the only reason for it was to get reader's attention... The next song that comes on is this slow and annoying song which nearly made my ears bleed. Yes, it was that terrible. Do the Marx Brothers need music? NO.

Guess what I see next? A poll reading Who is the best MA (Master assistants:) of the PowwerSoccer ? Massimo, spell check was a very good invention. Use it along with google translate. Sipwell is currently winning that poll, even due to the odd spelling error in the name. Massimo can't even spell a four letter word right. When I asked him how to spell Marx, here was the expression on his face:
Massimo then took a gulp, started writing in the air, and thought hard. You could see the sweat trickling down his face. Massimo then looked up, took a deep breath and said,

"MARX - M-A-----------X?"

We are very sorry my friend, but that is incorrect. The correct spelling is M-A-R-X. Unfortunately, massimo never got the message, as he continues to call us the Max Brothers. Max is a name, but unfortunately, we have no Maxes in this brotherhood, and if we did, he probably wouldn't have any brothers!

All of the other junk is too sad to talk about. Just go take a look at clandostugas.blogspot.com.

The last junk I will talk about though, are the most important things on the blog (or the least most, on this one), the posts. Massimo's posts average about 300 words, counting both languages (that's really only 150 words a post!). All they do is attack their made up clan the max brothers... Actually, it really isn't much of an attack, more of a defense, or maybe not even a defense. In all honesty, these posts are so dumb, only a three year old could possibly understand the strange lingo. Go see for yourself. Basically, the message is "Come play us in a game and we'll show you who's better". Massimo even called sipwell Hitler, and for that massimo, shame on you! That is one of the most ignorant things you have ever done, it just adds to the list...

So tugas brothers, we are wondering when you are going to start becoming a force that will make this war a little closer, but obviously you are incapable of that. Good luck!

Signing out from massimo's bedroom,



rush4gold said...

who is that NEPALI looking girl on roller coaster? must be kishan's sister. :P

Ricardo Marinho said...

ohhhhh duke.....

withuot comment...

duke4 said...

Ahhaaha! Nice post mate. Gassimo's room made me want to puke.

LeNaR said...

Haha! Nice post! You need to clean your room or no lady will want to visit you, Massimo.

Leedo said...

You guys kill massimo!! :O

I love it :)

BigDaddyAt said...

Did the bunk beds get moved out? That was quick.