
Notice: no new taxes (euhm) members

The Marx Brothers have, so far, been a great success. The great band of brothers which joined our clan lately – BigDaddyAt, Socerduke27, Duke4, Lenar and riky10 – have given us a new impetus to further improve our blog, our articles and our commitment to the game of powersoccer. The recent annihilation of BIA, which was experienced as a shock by most of the clans in Powersoccer (the ease with which Marx Brothers could claim victory was unseen and the offers for truces and cooperation have been streaming in), also set in motion an extreme large number of membership requests. Everybody seems to be attracted by the white light of prestige that surrounds Marx Brothers. All flock like rabbits to the light and ask for membership. Alas, we will have to disappoint you all. Marx Brothers has been and will be an elite clan which gathers the best of the best of the best. You do not offer your services, you are asked to become part of our precious clan. We have no open solicitations: Marx Brothers discuss in private (and with their MB cape and white gloves on) possible candidates and ask the candidate whether he is interested or not. Not the other way around. At all people who have been spamming (or asking nicely, they exist too) to join Marx Brothers: your effort was all in vain.

As from today there is a stop for new recruits. Marx Brothers first needs to digest the five new members of our clan and first need to settle down to develop the future strategy of our clan (who will we attack and on what day; who will buy the sandwiches for our next meeting and shouldn’t we switch to black gloves as mine are a bit messy from the ketchup on last months’ meeting; …). We'll update you on the future happenings of this clan and... stay tuned for our wonderful stories coming up, after the commercial break!

From the founding father of this clan and more equal pig than the others, sipwell


dr_eindhatre said...

well spoken.

im may be jumping the gun... but are you a communist?

duke27 said...

I got the sandwiches!

BigDaddyAt said...

Ketchup? Maybe you should not put ketchup on your sandwiched Sip, what are you, 7?

Sahll we serve coffee or tea at this meeting of which you speak?

duke4 said...

Great post. Simple yet effective.