
Soccerduke27 and Bigdaddyat are offical Marx Brothers

Marx Brothers has been a clan of excellence for quite a while. Despite a recent setback – we lost a clan member who left – we have always presented top quality. Nearly everywhere within powersoccer we are recognized for our positive spirit, our helping hand and our cunning wit. Last month saw an impressive 1000 readers for our blog, which means we are read a lot (note that none of the other clans has a counter, since they are hardly read by non-clan members). Although we were only a 12 people strong clan, we got a lot of votes in the featured clan contest, an election we in fact “despise” since we should be considered featured without election.

The party of yesterday will only be continued today, since we can announce two new members, two former BDKAS clan brothers. As most of our readers know, BDKAS disbanded itself. Marx Brothers decided, without hesitation and a formal vote, to shelter top users from BDKAS. We are aware that the successor of BDKAS will never be as good or as talented as the old BDKAS is. Especially not if Marx Brothers succeeds in getting the absolute elite of that clan joining ours. And we did!

The first newcomer is a user once described on this blog as a “Marx Brother in disguise”: his name is Soccerduke27. A user not really playing for the powersoccer drug (RP) but primarily interested in doing good deeds for the game and its community. It took Soccerduke27 some time to get over the loss of Kishan, Biggy0003 and the disbandment of BDKAS that followed suit. Obviously he had a lot of good recollections of his time at BDKAS – we all do – and stayed ‘clanless’ for over a week. But now, ladies and gentlemen, he is a true Marx Brother. Soccerduke27 is like a princess marrying a foreign king: she has difficulties to leave her own court with all those youth time memories but she embarks on a journey to become a queen, a star and above all a loved, respected and responsibility bearing person (Soccerduke27 is not a woman, but forgive me the metaphor). Soccerduke27 not only is a gifted writer and a master of wit, he is above all an outstanding member of our community. He is the type of person that qualifies to be a role-model for this game and that is why he is now a Marx Brother.

The second newcomer is probably still a bit unknown to the community. Bigdaddyat (yes, that is his username) is a member who only joined this game in February 2008. Although he has not the required 400 losses, rules are bendable when it comes to getting top quality on board. The last couple of weeks the forum and the chat rooms were confronted with a friendly, helpful and above all funny person. This was Jason, our Bigdaddyat (he himself will write an explanatory post on our blog). Jason has been an active participant on this pages, criticizing us in a way we esteem higly: ironically and not without a very good wit. In private conversation with the clan elderly Airfix_9 and myself, his apparent qualities floated in the ocean of positivism. Although our beloved game is not without flaws, Bigdaddyat remained “positivo” and saw all the good things in life. Negativism and blunt criticism is not his style: he always looks on the bright side of life. Marx Brothers is a clan that thrives on positivism and helpfulness (after all: the majority of MA’s in this game is a Marx Brother or wished to be it). That is why, as from today, he can call himself a Marx Brother!

Give a warm welcome to both Soccerduke27 and Bigdaddyat. They will take Marx Brothers to even higher spheres and show why we are the foundation on which powersoccer is based.

~Edited by mfsoccer94


mfsoccer94 said...

Welcome guys.
You mean soccerduke27!

BigDaddyAt said...

Well thanks for the kind words Sip. Thanks also to those who supported my/our membership. I assume that I speak for Duke too when I sy that this was the best place for us given recent events.

Glad to be here, and be a part of the team.

BigDaddyAt said...

Oh I almost forgot...we now join MFS and Rice in furthering the Marx Bros. qwest for world mediocrity...

BigDaddyAt said...

...in NA.

rush4gold said...

cmon duke! i enjoyed your "essay" fight with marx bors. i should have asked you to join us in legends so we can hopefully continue that!
oh well let me know if u change your mind ;)
best wishes!

BigDaddyAt said...

Don't worry Mr.A, I'm sure we'll have plenty of internal sarcasm to go around...at least enough to keep the blog interesting!

duke27 said...

Lol, about three days late to comment but better late than never! Obviously, this clan is best suit for me (as you saw me admit a while ago) and its good to stay with a clan of tradition. It will be an honor and great fun working with a clan like this. Though Bigdaddy and I fought with them, we always have completely respected this clan.

And now it is time to be in it! Go Marx Brothers! :P

ricepudding9 said...

Hehe good! Marx Bro's is turning North American ;). Now we need a Canadian users as I feel all alone :D

BigDaddyAt said...

That's because you're from Canada Rice :P

dr_eindhatre said...

another comment deleted? thats 4. blimey u guys do hate me for not cheating...

sipwell said...

@ dr.

we do not delete posts. Please stop considering your fairy tales for truths.

soroe said...

A warm welcome from the cold northern Europe. We are now conquering the World. We need some asians though.

BigDaddyAt said...

World mediocrity will soon be ours!!

dr_eindhatre said...

fairy tales? you do have nerve mate ill give u that. im really sry that i feel like this, ur a great bloke and what u have achieved, MB, is brilliant but, as to quote powder, ur decisions are on assumptions. as he also said, these assumptions can be wrong. whilst i am whiling to forgive you for your ill-made assumptions, due to 1 piece of evidence i unfortunately cannot repute, i feel that your treatment towards me isnt as easily forgiven.

duke4 said...

Congrats to the both of you. Job well done.

P.S. the blog looks great big d!