
Another Cool Addition to the Team!

Well, in true Marx Brothers fashion, we have culled the users of PowerSoccerland, to find the wittiest, most mediocre users we can find to add to the team. So without a lengthy, sappy intro, we present the newest Marx Brother, Davidbea!

Airfix9 will be happy, as Davidbea comes from Dover, in the county of Kent in England. Dover is the land of beautiful white cliffs, and ferries (no not fairies smartasses). Just across the Straits of Dover from Sipwell in Belgium, and mere miles from AF9 in Fulham. The bloody Europeans are thrilled to add to their ranks in MB...hold on...what's that davidbea? Oh, sorry.

**Correction** - Davidbea comes to us from Dover, in the U.S. Guess he is another one of ours then. Great, an even bigger welcome to Davidbea then! That's okay, I'm sure AF9 will still share the Twiglets. If not, I have been secretly emptying the bowl when he wasn't looking, and bringing them back to the U.S. in massive quantities. Sorry Christy, your monopoly on the Twiglet market ends here...Muahahahahaha!


sipwell said...

Wilkommen auf der wichtigsten Klan der Powersoccer. Wir sind bis allen ein bischen Cuckoo.

From now on you are our little honey bee, mr. Bea. :P (all in rhymy, you see?)

duke4 said...

Oh brother. Now the smartboy can rhyme.

Congrats and welcome to your new home mate.

Airfix_9 said...

You think you have the Twiglets but really you took little sticks made up to look like Twiglets. I have the real Twiglets.

Welcome to our little mad band Mr Bea. Have a Twiglet (not a stick).

soroe said...

Hi mate, welcome to the real Powersoccer site. A virtual can of danish buttercookies is on its way to Dover.

Heddwch928 said...

Proof above^^ of all that's wrong in this world = sipwell

Be afraid, be very afraid...

Welcome in mate, you are now a true fellow Marx Sister;)

David G-man fan said...

Hey everyone, Glad to be a part of this fine group. Guess you all have another soceer fan to add to the collection. I hope to continue to have fun and play my game (lose more than win, lol), with my Marx brothers and sisters. May you all score more, run longer, play some D and have fun along they way. I know first hand as I have suffered through many defeats (390 and counting) and continue to work my hand/brain coordination skills. Thank you for letting me join your prestigious group. G-man fan

duke27 said...

Welcome, biggest Giant fan in America!