
Well... well... well

I have sensed quite a bit of hostility on my latest two blog entries. With an absolute certainty the commentators are just plain jealous that they still have to spend hours, days, weeks, months (and in some desperate cases even years) to get the message below:

Probably they are also frustrated that the more people get to level 99 before they do, the uglier the virgins will be. Sweden has a large pool of stunning and gorgeous female creatures but, as with everything (except perhaps the wit of Sipwell) the pool is not inexhaustable. Easy calculations learn us that 70 times 100 (the approximate number of level 99 users in PS) is 7000. That is quite a lot of virgins, knowing that the Swedish population is estimated at no more than 9 million people. Provided that there are, according to statistics 480000 girls between 18 and 25 in Sweden (read here), a lot of these girls probably did not consider marital purity to be an option, the choices get slimmer every time somebody reaches level 99. Those silly commentators are clearly aware that their virgins probably will be in their late forties, will have no more (but no less either) than 3 teeth and a derrière she has to pay a tax for (obstruction of sight and attack on good taste).
Jealousy, sheer jealousy. There are probably no more than 10 straight men in the world that consider 2 women kissing to be appaling and hardly erotic. You are not trying to convince me that 4 of them actually read this blog? No, no, no: they are just plain jealous. And if it would be that they do not find that slightly erotic, I only have one comment: o dear!

Me and the flavour of the day (Agneta IV) salute you!


Airfix_9 said...

I am interested in that picture, mate. I am particularly interested in the word "Bladwijzers". Did someone put their hand in a bucket of letters and create a word based on the first 11 that came out?

BigDaddyAt said...

Classic mate, classic post! ROFL

duke4 said...

Hahaha very nice post mate.