
Marx Brothers launch two initiatives

In our fierce (well…) battle with Surreal we only have one aim, one noble goal we are fighting for and that is the liberation of poor Hogweed, who has been for the last couple of days in the evil clutches of Powdersnow. Hogweed himself is far from sure he can be part of a clan that almost forces him to change his beloved team name, a name he has given his clan when he started this game and does not intend to change ever. As pressure is mounting, Hogweed is getting more and more nervous. Who will break first?

As we have seen in recent posts, Surreal does not care about new members. Hogweed was not even properly introduced on their blog. Can you imagine that? You force on board one of the most respected people of the game of Powersoccer who has a reputation that only equals that of kings and heroes, and you don’t even introduce that person? The disrespect is, even for us proud Marx Brothers, unbearable. The war to defend our own honour has changed into a greater cause: a war to defend the honour of the greatest of all PS-beings, Hogweed.

That is why, as from today, Marx Brothers decided on an extraordinary board meeting, to found Hogweed Liberation Army. This sub-organization of the Marx Brothers, wherein all members of the Marx Brothers will take part, will focus on lobbying, pamphleteering, petitioning and other means to liberate Hogweed from the claws of too real Surreal. Watch these pages (and others) to see the proceeding of the HLA.

A second initiative, taken on that extraordinary meeting, was to set up Shelter for Distressed Crew Members. After Powdersnow unsuccessfully tried to overtake half of Marx Brothers, he kind of lost his senses and started to behave all Icarus-like. We at Marx Brothers want the old and enjoyable Powdersnow fully back. Although he is still devoting most of his time and energy to the brilliant game of Powersoccer and is still working for the better on that front, the 5 percent of energy he puts into Surreal make him at that time another man. All conversations I myself and other MA and MB (including Hogweed) had with Powdersnow alter greatly when he starts talking about “his” – and I stress – clan. In fact, last time we spoke.. from the moment he started to talk about his clan, my computer screen went all black and the system rebooted shortly thereafter. Could it be a sign? Powdersnow has two faces now: we at Marx Brothers are set out to make his 95 % brilliant, enjoyable, funny, amusing face/being a full 100 % again. His colleagues nowadays are scared too from that 5 % Pow. He has been raging and rambling in the offices, rode his bike home yesterday (something Crew members assured me he would never do in normal circumstances) and drank two Iced Teas instead of one at lunch in the PS cafeteria (not to mention the reindeer he devoured in one single bite, exclaiming “muhahahaha” and firing up his eyes with real flames). His colleagues are slightly scared and are all in distress. In fact, most of them are working even harder nowadays than they normally do. But still… they should be treated like humans too (despite their God-like features). To comfort them, to have psychological support 24/7 and to have a regular coffee once in a while, Marx Brothers provides them with its Mobile Shelter, posted just outside their offices in Linköping. As long as they need us, we will hold the guard. As we would die to let this game and its developers survive*!

For the HLA-committee,


* In Linköping we are commonly known as the “Powersoccer Samurai”, loyal, intelligent and forceful battlers for the good cause.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my god... if we were known as the 50 word post guys, you guys would be the 50 metres post clan.

I am glad you have noticed that I have changed since I stared the clan. That is a clear sign, and proof, of how serius I am. (you have no idea how big a change the switch from coffee to tea is for me - its a life altering "tweak" of my existence). This clan is now part of my life, and you will never get the old clan-less pow back! Muhahaha

And hog stays with us. You can start your HALs or HAMs or NAMs or whatever you call your organisations... you will never imprison our Hog! He is free now and he will stay that way.