
Marx Brothers Visit NYC

Well, the Marx-like domination continues en masse, as we welcome yet another member to extend our far reaching empire. From the far away land of New York, we welcome our newest member, Nycfootballer!

This kid has come a long way in the last few days....from begging in the 1st photo of SoccerDuke's "What Do Members Have to Do" post, to a full fledged member of The Marx Brothers. What follows is an account of how he fared in the tasks to meet the membership requirement.

Task 1: Beat Sip in Chess - this one was rather unique, as he really didn't win. Despite having him in check, Sip ran from the table when confronted with the look on NYC's face...

Task 2: Beat Christine in a Staring Contest - OK, he really failed at this task, but it wasn't truly a fair match, as Christine brought one of the virgins he/she got for reaching level 99 along to "help out." I am pretty sure we can all forgive this small "failure".

Task 3: Write a Marx-like Post - we waived this requirement for now, as his great work as a recent addition to the team of PS reporters has given us plenty of insight into what this guy is capable of... See here and here for some good examples from Power Soccer Extra.

Task 4: Read the entire Marx Brothers Blog - We have suspected he accomplished this task, but it was confirmed by him. He even sent us a picture taken by his dear Mum right after he finished....note the diaper he wore to avoid having to take bathroom breaks (no, even he isn't that young).

Task 5: Climb Mt. Marx - While he was more than willing to try, even the Americanski members of MB took issue with "hazing" a sub 18 year old potential member. We will have to wait to challenge him with this task.

Upon reading the message that he had been accepted for membership, NYC gave us the most surprised look I have ever seen...

Some may say that we took it easy on him, and they may be right. Let's face it, we are suckers for the Brooklyn Pizza he brought with him, and we needed to get him signed up real quick-like so we could send him out for more...

Finally, as a showing of appreciation, NYC decided to join the ranks by growing his own mustache in true MB tradition. Unfortunately, he failed even worse than AF9 in this attempt. Thus, we are left with....Well mate, thanks for trying! Welcome to the Marx Brothers!!! We will forego the customary Twiglets on account of the nice greasy Brooklyn style pizza you brought.


NycFootBaller said...

Thanks a lot for the great welcome guys. :D

Airfix_9 said...

Welcome to the greatest clan in Powersoccerland. Have a great stay and help yourself to the complimentary Twiglets.

Adeidos said...

Hehehe i was sure he will become a MB ! A nice guy from NY , brillant reporter and player ! :)

duke4 said...

Yes, welcome home and have fun enjoying the riches of the greatest clan in Power Soccer.

sipwell said...

welcome in the team mate. Have a great time around...

soroe said...

Welcome to yet another american friend. A big apple for you is on the way by mail. (e-mail)