
The Power Soccer Oscars

Just in Hot off the presses while i am still standing here the Power Soccer Oscars are here, and of course the best clan in power soccer attended. There were also others there, we can find Powdersnow with his lovely girlfriend walking down the red carpet(snowy carpet over there in Sweden) How surreal they look together. Pow is taking home the Most Devoted Or Fan Favored Crew Member Of The Year.

Here is A Marx Brother coming down the carpet now, Ah its Sipwell,

(RUN AWAY!!!!) just kidding, listening to his Japanese music on those earphones from 1975, how nice. He won the Most Devoted Or Fan Favored Master Administrator Of The Year

And now a word from our sponsors.

Buy Twiglets they’ll make you jump for joy

Buy Twiglets they’ll make you run to the john

Buy Twiglets they’ll make you clear a room!

And now back to the Power Soccer Oscars after that interesting jingle.

Up next we see Heddwch28, Having a ball of a time debating with another member of the Marx Brother clan Nycfootballer. They never stop debating how far is “Whats Up” oh well they’ll be at that for weeks. Hedd is taking home the Most Devoted Or Fan Favored Forum Admin Of The Year and Nyc has been voted the Fastest emerging Reporter of the year. On to the next bunch of winners!

There is now a double prize given out to two people. Its for the Most Devoted Or Fan Favored Chat Admin Of The Year, First we have one of our own, that guy who always forgets to change his socks Lenar!, Then we have an aussi by the name of Shadow9876543210. Congratulations guys.

Thanks lenar for changing those socks

Were getting close to the end of the line here (YAY!! The crowd yells for some reason) The Award for Most Devoted Or Fan Favored Language Administrator goes to………………………….. uhh where the card you idiot were on live (I don’t know)

Its uhh, wolololo yeah its wolololo, congratulations mate.

Now the final 2 awards are Fastest Emerged Forum Admin Of The Year and the

Most Devoted Or fan favored reporter of the year. Number 1 goes too.. brensda111, and number 2 goes too… maxer, Congratulations everyone who attended and Great Job.

Here is brensda with his friends enjoying an Australian delight Vegemite!

And by the way The Marx Brother’s clan dominated the charts with its members winning half of the awards given out. This truly shows that we DOMINATE everything, and will continue to do so.

Fantastic job to all and keep on working hard everyone.


duke4 said...

Outstanding first post. You do have a talent for writing my young Marx Brother. Keep up the good work.

sipwell said...

I won an award.
Great post mate. Happy to have you on board

BigDaddyAt said...

Nice post! Way to post when you win an award.... :P

And now you are officially an active member of MB.

Filippo Ferrante said...

Is there some post in admin section denying replies to what used to be polidoro76?

Filippo Ferrante said...

The reason for which I'm asking is because I don't get replies from any of the people I used to talk to like mfsoccer, sipwell and so on...like as If I am some kind of relegated criminal to whom for no justified reason all who play the game are not allowed to talk to. I have not cheated in the game, I have not told people off.
If this is the case please let me know.. so consequently the best thing for me would be not to talk to anyone at all(so at least I know) and abandon this unjustified arrogance once and for all. Thank You