
Another loss for adeidos

The losing streak contiues for adeidos. I had a match with him today and as you see below the result was a devastating experience for Adeidos

Link for a better image: http://img159.imageshack.us/my.php?image=adeidosrz1.jpg

The game started and only a few minutes had past when I had a beautiful attack ending with a blast of a shot almost ripping the goal apart. 1-0.
The second attack resulted in a desperate kicking away from Adeidos side, but the ball ended at T “Bohr” Adly, who without hesitation with a precise shot kicked the leather passed the Adeidos goalie. (The shot was meant as a tackle, but when he tackles, he does it hard). 2-0
In the 30th minute a well performed attack resulted in complete breakdown of the Adeidos defence and the goalie had no chance of saving the shot from A. “Faraday” Wielsøe. 3-0
I allowed Adeidos to score 2 goals before the halftime. That period isn’t crystal-clear to me, as I felt I had time to smoke a cigarette and have a couple of Duvels.
The second half wasn’t old when I scored my 4th goal, leaving a desperate Adeidos with the only option he had: Scoring a bug-goal, which he gave back the next attack. 5-3
With an admirable moral Adeidos fought back and made it as far as 5-4, until I with my last goal ended my scoring feast and in the dying minutes allowed Adeidos his 5th and the match’s last goal.

I am not happy to expose Adeidos like this, but it is my obligation to do so according to the Marx Brothers code of conduct. I have to brag about beating a level 99 or a top 100 rp.
Let us all celebrate the brave, but vain, fight that Adeidos fought and let him be an example to all other PowerSoccer player:

Compete……..and lose

Btw. This is post #200 in the blog (Beat that Imperium)


Adeidos said...

Super thread mate !!! Yes, soroe was really better than me ... All the time i play a MB member, i get thrashed ... But not only them ... Here a few games with other great mates :
C.A. San Lorenzo - Metalworks 7 - 4
X. Shadow .X Schiller - Metalworks 7 - 3
Metalworks - NO MORE FUN 1 - 4
Metalworks - ®Polish Stars™ 3 - 6
Metalworks - You 4 - 9

So, yes much people beat me, they score amazing goals, and all i do is congratulate them and tell them great game !!! Yes, it's called sportsmanship, or Marx Brothers spirit !
You lose some you draw some, so there is times you win, times you lose ... And remember to play for fun allways =)
And again, great thread soroe :)

Mainmukit said...

you mean this is your 200th piece of rubbish for the blog :)

soroe said...

Hehe, mainmukit. All I see is you have to be jealous because we have a blog, that actually is alive. ;P

sipwell said...

Well done mate, both of you. Adeidos for losing so many times and soroe for finally winning a decent game. :P

And our 200th blog post? In less than a year. Well, aren't we spectacular. Over at imperium they still need to learn how to write... :P

LW said...

On the topic of extensive blog posting... Powdersnow asked me today if I'm sort of out of work at the moment, with the racing production being somewhat slowed down.
- Eeeeh, why do you think I blog so much?
...was my very clever answer to that.

So, I feel like I'm in good company. Being part of the team who beyond all, makes sure they express themselves well and often. Way to go MB!