
Exclusive Footage of the Imperium Ritual Dance

Marx Brothers obtained exclusive footage of the last Imperium Ball, where they held a party to celebrate all their victories in the Official Cups and the fact that their website was updataed twice a day. We were there and bring you the exclusive material...
Hold on to your horses because this material is...

(chose yourself)

At least we can say that they had a great deal of fun. Whether this does there reputation any good is another question. Note by the way that Joshy1306 is a real talented "chicken dancer": he might make a superb career if he were to proceed...

For all you silly bees who think highly of Imperium (and want to join one day): here is an explanation video on how to perform the dance (part of their secret requirements), for your entrance exam or your copycat behaviour. Say again that Marx Brothers is not a helping clan...

PS. For everyone: this is the “granny song” as it is mostly danced by half-demented old ladies, between two games of bingo. Good choice, since Imperium is a bit rusty (no update on their website and even the name to be the oldest still existing clan in the game).

From now on, let’s do two things when we engage with Imperium clan members:

a) We call them "Chicken" instead of "friend", "buddy" or even the word "hello".

b) at the end of a conversation, we do a Ritual Imperium dance.

Don't you agree they should post these videos too?

**** We thank Joshy1306 to point us to a mistake we made in our report. It was not Imperium's Ball Last year like I wrongly wrote in the initial blog. It was the Last Imperium Ball. By rectifying that problem, Joshy also indicated that the Ball actually took place and that he was that swell dancer.

1 comment:

joshyg1306 said...

Nothing wrong with being skilled, besides, my local nightclub has this dance :P
See Who is Imperium anyways to show how much of a lie sipwell can pull :P