
The fun is here, also defeats

With new clan update , new losses for the greatest Marx Brothers clan (there is some exceptions hehe) !!
A normal day , I was having a great time in the forums, when suddently I saw this :

So , the friday at 22 pm , the cup with --Surreal-- (Powdersnow was the only opponent :P) started ! ...... Of couse , me and Sipwell get defeated 1-0 , 2-0 (I wonder if pow had drinked some belgium stuff .. ).. We played more cups with some others members (lesquive , brensda , etc) , and Surreal was the winner (they deserved it). But the most important point was :
* What a great time i had playing those cups ! Its very funny to play with your clan mates, against another great and friendly clan (no matter who win or losse of course). The only thing that can be annoying is that we had to wait a lot , before start the cup, so next time , guys, come all to the cup ! :)

So, today, i wanted to play another cup , with our mates The colony of Slippermen.
Belfue was online , we started a cup ... And ... well , just have a look at this picture

The fun is here , playing cups , playing games, and with fun, comes defeats :)
For all the clans : please , the new cups are the new place of fun , don't think it's like an oficial game , it's just a funny cup , with other clans, so , play fair, enjoy , and good luck !
You lose some, you get defeated some more!

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