
Hope, change and FUN

Last tuesday Barack Obama was elected as the new President of the United States on a platform of hope and change. Marx Brothers is politically neutral* yet supports this platform and even wants to add an element: FUN!
The founding fathers of this clan - Sipwell and airfix_9 - had the impression that clans were all about competitions, all about winning and all about destroying your enemy. We wondered: what about fun? What about enjoying yourself with people from across the globe for no specific reason at all, expect having a good time? That became the creed of the Marx Brothers, translated into the overstated "400 loss minimum" (secret explained: those who have been striving to get these 400 losses in order to apply will never be part of our clan, as they don't see the point. It was a bit like Confusian riddles - if a tree falls into a forest where nobody is around in miles and miles and miles, does that tree make sound?).
Therefore, Marx Brothers stands for "fun". We will shortly launch a set of competitions with some prizes (we still need to discuss that internally). See in the next couple of days what these will all be about. One clue already: they will all be fun!!!!!!

*MB has all political colours and ideological divisions in their midst, going from conservatives over republicans, to democrats, liberals, social democrats and some souls lost for Communism. Shaolinda even is member of tje Party of the Animals and the FluffyBunnies with their illustrous one point program "Tinky Winky for Prime Minister of Sweden". Rumour by the way has it that the internet harbours a picture of a topless Christine (Airfix_9 for you newer readers) at a "Free Stalin" manifestation (Silly C. was unaware that Stalin died in liberty and was never in captivity, except perhaps in his own horrible ideas). The one that founds the picture, gets a twiglet.

1 comment:

soroe said...

I thought Tinky Winky WAS PM of Sweden.

Well, maybe it's in Norway?