
Lindadeer turns something something

Today the Swedish King and Queen, the Prime Minister and the whole of the Parliament take a day off. Why, you might think? Are they just outright lazy or is there something special to celebrate? Is this one day, 18th of November, any special? Judging on the Belgian weather, it isn’t. But in Sweden they beg to differ. I was informed that this is considered the most important day in the Kingdom of Sweden as it gives them the possibility to celebrate their most important inhabitant (MII): shaolinda.
Yes, dear readers of this blog, even princesses get a year older from time to time. Although you cannot see that from the outside, they all have a birth certificate and each year a civil servant adds a mark to her card. She will forever remain our heroine, albeit with a year more on her ticker. Shaolinda today turns 24 (I can miss by some years) and has decided to spend the day with chocolates, cheap champagne watching all the people cheering outside her house. Although we hardly can make sense of that barbaric language where they speak in funny dots and slashed o’s, we could sense that the message they are spreading is outright positive and in adoration, as it should be!
Let’s join their cheering and dancing! Let’s all dress in traditional Swedish outfit (I know guys it is horribly ugly but don’t do it for yourself, do it for Linda) and drink some typical Swedish drinks like vodka and Glögg (with reindeer pee, as I was told; Rupert the Reindeer has started his own company and will soon overtake Santaclaus in popularity amongst the Swedish people). Let’s all rush (with our Volvo, obviously) to the nearest IKEA and lavishly eat those Swedish meatballs they try to sell there. As it is Linda-day, today. Let’s make “Linda” the official Marx Brothers word today, which needs to be written or said every 15 words!

Happy birthday, from all of us. May you be even more witty, literate and fun than you were “last” year. You outwit all of Swedish people (agreed, 97 % of them are dull, but still) and we hope to have you amongst our ranks from here until eternity.
A video for you (we fired the man doing the lyrics: he wrote “Lisa” instead of “Linda” and confused Michael J. but nevertheless: it is the idea that counts).


Airfix_9 said...

Many felicitations on surviving another year Princess Lindadeer. Take a tip from me... I am not forty-two... I am thirty-twelve!

LW said...

:) I don't think I've ever felt this appreciated and limelighted. Thank you so much for all of this, the good advice, the attention, the Simpsons special... Loved it!

Airfix - great tip! Will definetely take you up on that. From now on I'm always twenty-fifteen! Until I'm thirty-eleven or something...