
Only we know the truth...

Curious…my first post in MB Blog, hope you like it!
As we all know Sipwell and AF9 decided to tell about our secret life. We couldn’t do anything to stop him…but let’s finish his job.

Let’s start with Denmark212, we all think that he lives in his house having fun with PS in his free time, but we didn’t know, until now, that he has been learning tricks from the FBI, the CIA and S.W.A.T.…look what my special camera has detected:

I couldn’t believe it too, but this is the truth about the newest member of Marx Brothers and lovely FA.

If you think that that was amazing, I think you don’t know me well.
I’m LA at the moment, in PS. You must be thinking: “Why is he telling this to us? We all know that you send an application to get accepted”. Let me tell you that are wrong. If you want to see how I was chosen by PS, check this video out:

Yes, I was selected in a commercial for XBOX360; I have the costume of that old woman, who thinks that has a gun.

Well, this is what I know about the secret lives of this two people (including me)
Stay tuned for more stories, if I get some of them!


Adeidos said...

It was interesting to know some more about your "secret hobbies" gaston .. :p
great 1rst thread mate !!

soroe said...

Great post, mate.

You're revealing our secret audition-ritual for our clan. ;P

That performance is nominated for an Oscar for best female actor.

duke27 said...

You have some nice powder up there in Denmark! Mind if I come up? :P

You make me jealous Denmark :P