
Who's Soroe Now?

It would seem that sister Soroe has been pining for some time as there has been no other Danish Marx Brother in the ranks. Obviously, it takes a special kind of player to join the sisterhood and there just did not seem to be any player of the calibre required.

Step forward denmark212, our new Great Dane and FA in Power Soccer.

Denmark212 is one of the growing band of 99-ers in the game and fell up to this level by complete accident. He easily met the requirements of losing 400 games as he has now lost and drawn over 1,300 matches (many against me, though he would deny this). Even his team name is Marxian – “Semi Serious Silly Sir”

Yes, denmark212 is as mad as a bag of spanners and will fit right in.

If you play him, expect him to exclaim “Joink!” – no-one seems to know what it means, but it makes me laugh.

Welcome denmark212!


sipwell said...

hehehe... nice introduction. Have you ever noticed the nicknames of the players of Denmark212? The starting line of the Danish 11 who won the 1992 EC...

Somebody is living in the past here... Glorious moments will be in front of him in the near future though!

Heddwch928 said...

Denmark won in 1992? Wow, special year indeed...apart from the fact I was born.

Welcome in mate! Now let's get losing...

soroe said...

Welcome, mate. Finally I'm not alone with this bunch of foreigners, who can't even say: "Rødgrød med fløde", with the soft "d"'s.

@hedd. Don't you know your football-history? Denmark sent some players, who already was in sommer-holidays-mood, and they smashed all resistance aside and won Germany in the final 2-0.

duke27 said...

Welcome in mate... Now your first task is to make us all some Danish Pastries... We're tired of handing out twiglets!

BigDaddyAt said...

MMMmmmm, Twiglets....

Welcome in the Mad Family Denmark212