
Frogodo's Arrival

Who is Frogodo?
Well...I am...but you might have guessed that from the fact that it is I who is writing this, but perhaps not.
Well, enough with the introduction, now with the fun part, True or False time. Grab a pencil, pen or quill and ink combo, take a deep breath and prepare yourself. There is no pressure, the only thing that hangs in the balance is all your hopes and dreams. Can you meet the challenge?
You have 2 minutes and 17 seconds
You may begin:
1. Frogodo is my real name.
2. I was born in Durham, North Carolina in the United States of America
3. I currently attend Grinnell College, in The middle of Nowhere, Iowa
4. I created the name Frogodo myself (No changing your first answer, cheaters!)
5. The original Frogodo starred in the MMORPG EverQuest
6. I have a dog named Wolf, a cat named Monkey and a cat named Whisper
7. I tend to punctuate my sentences with emotes :)
8. I use ellipses in the place of the phrase "duh you moron"...
9. I use ellipses to indicate confusion stemming from my prior knowledge being overturned
10. My lucky number is 17
11. My favorite number is 17
12. 6*8=42
13. My first clan in Power Soccer was the Marx Brothers
14. I am studying Computer Science and will do so at Uppsala University during the Fall of 2010
15. My avatar is a librarian
16. My avatar will rip your arms out of their sockets if you do not give him your banana
17. My Favorite author is Terry Pratchett
18. If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a day, but set a man aflame and he will be warm for the rest of his life
19. Jag skriver lite svenska, men jag talar svenska inte
20. My Chat Admin application was rejected
21. Free Hogweed from the Evil clutches of Powdersnow
22. George Reagan is a beauty pageant champion
23. I go to sleep after Europe wakes up more often than not
24. I like small furry woodland creatures and hold the belief that they are exceptionally cute
25. Frogodo was my first account on Power Soccer
26. I once won three different leagues in one month in Power Soccer
27. I have one or more match bans in Power Soccer
28. I have replaced the original name of my Power Soccer team
29. I have played Dungeons and Dragons are numerous occasions and find it quite enjoyable.
30. I played two varsity sports in high school
31. Jag Älskar Sverige
32. Rap is just 3/4 of crap, it isn't even that good
33. I am immortal
34. This question is divisible by 17
35. I have cross-dressed
36. This is the last question on the exam
Do not go any further
Do not look in any other section of the exam until your instructor has asked you to
Do not pass go

So, curious about how you did? Well here is the answer key!
False: 1, 4, 10, 25, 27, 28
Trick Questions: 21...that one is just a statement silly!
True: The rest

Confused? You should be, but I am a caring chap, let me clear a few things up!
4. Frogodo was created when a GM changed the name of my Everquest character from "Frogofdoom" to "Frogodo" because multiple words were not allowed in character names. I maintain that Frogodo is a mix between a Froglok and Frodo Baggins, regardless of whether the name was created with this in mind.

5. Behold the Original Frogodo in all his splendor...and yes I individually painted each piece of armor, the dye to do so cost a forture, but it was totally worth it, as you can see.



Zev'a (wolf in Hebrew)

10/11 I have no lucky number, that is just superstition, however 17 is aesthetically pleasing to me, is prime and is just generally awesome.
12. 42

15. Actually my avatar is THE librarian, but is also a librarian, so that still works

19. "I write a little Swedish, but I do not speak Swedish" I can't speak any Swedish because I have never had any formal education in Swedish and have taught myself through not auditory means, mostly online.

20. Sorry but your application has been rejected (rest of email could be confidential, I won't risk it)

22. See Power Soccer player customization contest

25. Phatmomma was my first account on Power Soccer

26. Whoops!

30. basketball and baseball

31. "I love Sweden"

33. I am either right, or I won't live to be proven wrong...either way I win

35. Yes, it is true...and it is on youtube, enjoy!

No I will not tell you which one is me, but so far everyone who has tried to guess has gotten it correct on the first try...

Well, now you know a little more about Frogodo, hopefully your eyes still function properly after #35, that has been known to cause temporary blindness.

If I don't know you yet please start a chat up sometime, I am very approachable...although after you approach I make no promises, leaving may not be so easy.

Cheers mates!



Frogodo said...

Sorry for some of the sizing inconsistencies, I have given up trying to get them all to be uniform, and the pictures were arranged better originally as well, but that got messed up too :/

Airfix_9 said...

Sizing INCONSISTENCIES? I needed three cups of tea to get to the end!!!

And I know which one is you in the dance. And I am still laughing!!

Gaston said...

You must know that I lost 5 minutes of my life reading your introduction.

I know who you are...I know where you live...I know who you are in the video. If you don't want me to reveal your secrets send u$s100 to my house...You have 15 minutes...14...13...12 and counting

duke27 said...

#33 I feel the same way mate :P

BigDaddyAt said...

No wonder it took you what...1 or 2 months to make your 1st post on the blog (about how long since my last one...), because it took you that long to write it.

I am not sure which is you in the video, but regardless it scares me a wee bit...