
He's Baaaaaaaaaaccccccckkkkkkk!

Yes indeed, it has been a very long time since I have graced this wonderful page, too long in fact. Many wonder where I have been, and the simple answer is, well everywhere. I have been on a journey, nay, a pilgrimage in fact. It has been my mission to travel the world, meeting with all of my fellow Marxians, to partake of the greatest fun imaginable. Yes, taking in a match with my friends at their favorite pitch. It was a fun (an often interesting)trip, which led me to take many pictures, and experience many funny events.

First, I got myself dressed up to meet my fellow American Marx brothers to take in a US match (yes that is shaved in!). Once I was all dressed up, I headed out to pre-game with my friends.

The USA Contingent
(A.K.A. MFSoccer, Lenar, Soccerduke, NYC, Davidbea, Floddy, & SwedeSwede)
We'll start off by talking about the amount of time it took Lenar to find a clean pair of matching socks to wear that day. But once that issue was resolved, he managed to get himself together quite well (at left). He may look normal, but rest assured that he was still unmistakably unkept, and smelled a bit of some strange foot odor. Soccerduke (at right) went with a simpler and more "cool" look for the game. He donned his blue wig, and painted up his face, then he was ready. Sadly for him, he didn't take note of the large fan blowing behind him when he put the gel into his hair, although it created quite a cool look I think... Floddy and Swede were the entertainment (I never said they were good, but they were entertaining) at the pre-game party. These two might have been the worst I have ever heard...

Once we got there, we met NYCFootballer, MFSoccer, and Davidbea to enjoy the match. Sadly, NYC (top right) seemed a bit confused as to who he was rooting for. He got all decked out in Red, White, & Blue, but alas he did so while wearing a sombrero, prompting many of our compatriots to question whether his allegiance was to the US, or the opponent, Panama. As for MFSoccer (left), I really don't know what to say, other than I think he was taking things just a wee bit too seriously. It is just a game after all. Davidbea (bottom right) was also in the spirit, enjoying the match. He does tend to get a bit of a crazed look in his eye at times though...

Next, I travelled South to see my former partner in North America, Duke. It was an uneventful part of my trip. As in most things lately, Duke failed to show up, leaving me alone to watch the game. Oh well, better luck next time i guess.

My trip then took me to South America, where I took in an Argentine match with Gaston. Strangely enough, even at his young age, he also idolizes Maradona. It seems that is the only name Argentine fans recognize as actually being theirs, until someone new comes along. Perhaps our Gaston is that lad...?

At this point, the trip got really interesting, as I turned towards Europe, and the strange characters that we know so well from there...

Once in Europe, I started out in England, meeting up with AF9 to go see an English match. As you can see, I did plenty of drinking before the match (go figure, it is an English soccer match after all). However, no amount of alcoholic beverages could have prepared me for what happened once we got to our seats. Airfix took off his jacket to reveal his standard "costume" for national matches. Despite my intoxication, I could not bring myself to sit anywhere near him. So I wandered around and stayed conspicuously clear, until he covered back up after the match.

Anionic and Heddwch
These guys met us at the match, and for the life of me, I can not figure out what Heddwch(right) is wearing. It is quite interesting to say the least. Anionic (left) also got into the spirit, just not quite as much as AF9 (thank goodness).

(Powdersnow & Shaolinda)
Next I journeyed to Sweden to meet our dearest Linda. As you can see, Linda (left, middle) is quite a looker, and I was thrilled to learn that she was eager to bring along several of her soccer-loving lady friends, so it promised to be a good time (if Pow wasn't a total loser). Sadly, as you can see by the pic at right, that turned out to be the case. Pow even brought me an outfit to wear, and abused his power to force me to do so. You can clearly see the look of joy on my face.... Consequently, neither of us scored (including the Swedish team).

Next, I headed down to Belgiam, to visit our other founding father, Sipwell. As you can see, the day started out well enough, with Sip clibing to the treetops to celebrate his team, and chant their praises. Unfortunately, after several pints of Duvel, and a lackluster performance by their own so-called "Red Devils", Sip got a bit out of hand, and was escorted from the premises. I didn't see him after that.

Gentle (in headdress at left) is a nice enough guy, and I thought this was a pretty normal stop on my trip, at least until his friends arrived...more weirdness in the Netherlands. At least it wasn't too bad.

Soroe & Denmark212
As expected, these two guys are as nice in person as they are in Powersoccerland. They got dressed in their teams colors for the match, and showed me all the sights and sounds of Denmark. I came to realize that Denmark has few of either, unfortunately.

Next came a stop in Romania, to visit our dear Neamtzu, who had a wee bit too many glasses of wine, he decided to crash the impomptu soccer game that broke out, and have a rest. We fear that his day may have ended in a manner similar to that of Sipwell.

I also went through Estonia, stopping by with our friend Leedomargus. It was a pleasant visit, although I discovered that, outside of the players on the pitch, no one really cares there (even Leedo in the stands). Oh well, next stop, Latvia!

Kabaciic is also another fine mate, and always up to enjoy a good match. His get-up is quite interesting, and, while very festive for the occasion, it is just downright scary looking. Alas, we had a fun time regardless.

Next, I headed to Italy, to take in a match in this historic land. We invited Hogweed to go with us, but after his recent imprisonment, he is a bit skeptical of all invites from fellow Power Soccer members. Although his outfit was a bit odd, Andrea turned out to be quite a nice guy, and a pleasant one to watch a match with, as long as his side wins... I also love the full mustache, in true Marx tradition.

Off to Spain then, and taking in a match with Cheif Adeidos. We met to watch "La Furia Roja" play a match, and true to form, the Cheiftan led the charge in the stands.

Next I headed "down under" to pay a visit to our friend Henry in Australia. The Aussies are not really known for their soccer, but rugby and Aussie rules is still a bit rough for our little Henry to partake in, so he religiously supports the Aussie soccer team, until he gets a bit older...

Finally, with my international tour complete, I headed back stateside via the West Coast, and made my final stop. there isn't much in the way of soccer to see in Idaho (or Iowa for that matter), so I just met up with him for a quick chat, and to swap some stories. Evidently, frogodo is really into elephants, so much so that he totally failed to notice the phallic nature of his chosen headgear. Oh well, at least it was good for a good laugh.

So there you have it, a full recap of my many month long journey to the ends of the Earth. What did all this prove really? Let me recap:

1. Americans are nuts.
2. Most Europeans are even more nuts.
3. Hogweed has gone nuts after his freeing from captivity.
4. Aussies are nuts, but mostly about sports the rest of the world doesn't know the rules to.
5. All Frogodo's hat was missing...you guessed it...the nuts!

Happy travels to all!


mfsoccer94 said...

Why did you blur out my finger. That upsets me.

sipwell said...

Great post mate: really had a good laugh at all the real life pictures you have taken on your tour... You represent me as a Flemish nationalist although I specifically told you that this is what THOSE people do! And the other photo... well, that isn't the Belgian flag but the German flag (other types of yellow) :p

as for mfsoccer: You want the truth? You cannot handle the truth?

Gentle_Man_ said...

hahaha what a great post! we are happy to see you back as a blogger BigD.

and don't loose any pounds...it suits you and your name :D

Airfix_9 said...

Can you please explain to my boss why I am crying with laughter in the office?

BigDaddyAt said...

AF9, only if you can explain to him why you are wearing that wig and bra, and crying at the office....

Gaston said...

Awesome post mate!!!
Is nice to see you as a BlogD.
Continue like this

Btw, i'm not chinese!!

Swedeswede said...

Great one mate!! Quite a laugh! :D.

Can't wait till the next one :P.

Sadly my dumb comp prevented me from seeing my picture and a couple others, but I caught the jist of it!