
I am having a bad day

In the Netherlands - especially the South - just experienced "Carnaval". The aim is to dress up in a funny way and have three days of fun, laughter and booze. It mostly ends up with 3 days of booze, booze and more booze. Here are some impressions (guess which one is me :P):

and here is the wife with kids, having fun too (without the booze of course, there has to be someone to find the way home...):

And here are my dear colleagues, expressing they feel united...

And here of course we have...hmmm don't remember these people actually...and if by accident someone saw me flirting and kissing with the girl in this picture...it wasn't me, I plead innocent!!!

Well anyway, sometimes, during these days, you feel lucky if you run into some people:

and sometimes you feel not so lucky...

As you can imagine, it is quite hard to get out of bed after these long, exhausting but yet exhilarating days. So there are a few options to choose amongst: take some strong pills to get rid of your headache and still go to work (and sit there lethargic, just staring at your computer and colleagues) or call in sick (and be a wimp). But what to do when you already had your share of so called "sick days"? Here is a hint, feel free to use it:


sipwell said...

strange Dutchman! We don't need a special day to dress up funnily, we were these outfits at work. Very easy and very comfortable!

Enjoy the booze!

bestdragon12 said...

So you guys wait for the carnival to actually have fun :P?!! In Malta it's a carnival all year long mate :)!

Nice thread GM :D! Enjoy being... dead?