
Marx Brothers - The Entertainers?

Marx Brothers is a byword for entertainment in Power Soccer, isn't it? I mean, we are humourous and we are well known for being the wittiest clan in the game but it would appear that, for some, this just isn't enough. No, they want more. They demand it. They feel that the game itself does not give them sufficient kudos. This can lead to worrying, nay disastrous, consequences.

I have to admit that I once sought the glamourous life, the thrill of recognition, the taste of stardom upon joining the oldest continuous clan in the game. But, dear reader, this must be tempered with a level-headed attitude and the realisation that some things can go just too far.

Word reaches MB Towers that 8 of our illustrious clan have formed together, have spanned the endless oceans and have sought to take Marx Brothers to a worldwide stage.

Yes, these renegade members have practiced and practiced and have polished their act until it is perfect. Then, they persuaded a top-flight football club to let them provide the half-time entertainment for its fans.

Dear reader, this is not for the faint-hearted. Please, however, turn your sound up and welcome - from left to right - Sipwell, Shaolinda, Nycfootballer, Lenar, Bigdaddyat, Adeidos, Soroe and Leedomargus... the one and only... amazing... dazzling...

MARX BROTHERS................

Don't say I didn't warn you!


BigDaddyAt said...

Damn! We may sing badly, but that Leedo kid sure can dance...

Airfix_9 said...

nycfootballer is the dancer. Leedo is on the right.

Gentle_Man_ said...

nycfootballer is the dancer? then he is dutch! and is called "Herman".....oh dear

Adeidos said...

I'm wasting my talent!