
It just struck me...

...How good at Power Soccer I am. I have 2 or 3 examples of this, but what astounds me is that how long it took people (including myself) to realise what I am... A power Challenge phenomena.

Sure, I've only got around 1300rp, sure, I've only won 144 out of 317 matches and sure, I've only got a 45% winning rate, but it's the important matches that count....right?

Well earlier I told you that I had 2 or 3 examples (yes I know, I forgot what comes after 1) so here they are.

1. Alexander the Great
I got invited to Alexander the Great, the number 1 clan in all of PS (after us of course), not once but twice! The first time was by carlotos but unfortunately I didn't get a screenshot of that one. Then, not a week later I got an invite from ugotouzo, a co-captain of ATG. "Wow" I thought, "they really want me to join". I must confess, I spent quite a bit of time thinking about which road to take. The addictive drug of rp... or the hilarious blogging clan. I took the latter. Here is the screen shot:

Mr. 24th in the world
Today I was playing the 24th in the world, dagriggstar. I lost 2-0 in true Marx Brothers style but I absolutely thrashed him in something much more important than the actual result: possession. Possession is much more important than who actually wins, don't you think?

So... What I learned from this experience is: I'm much too good for ATG, and they will never get me no matter how many times they try and also that I'm much better than 24th in the world.


sipwell said...

aaah... the great old bullet proof reasoning is back! I love to see it. Interesting screenshots you present there.

bestdragon12 said...

There must be a reasonable explaination here! a) You bribed ATG and dag to get that proof :P b) You're amazing at editing :P c) Everyone wants to steal MB members and/or praise them :P

Hehe well what I really meant to say is this: "Congratulations on getting the feeling of being over-confident, I mean good :)!"

henry9876 said...

I swear on my life that I did not edit one single part of the screenshots (apart from putting the red circle around the 91%).

You can even ask dag if I had that much possesion against him. You can even ask carlotos and ugotouzo if they invited me to ATG.

So, in conclusion the reasonable explanation bestdargon is after is: c) Everyone wants to steal MB members and/or praise them :P

Gentle_Man_ said...

so basicly what you are saying (using the bullet proof reasoning counterway):

1) ATG has very s*lly members since they invite you twice knowing for sure you will never ever accept their invitation

2) in the match against dag you got posession of the ball and then told dag that you urgently had to run to the toilet because of a case of instant diarrhoea. Dag consequently didn't play on and went to his neighbor for a cup of high tee. apparantly, he thought that was more usefull to him than stay and just sit and wait for you to return.