
What is trying to bite my left ankle?

Lately these pages have been sipwell-free. We have noticed a steep rise in the quality of posts and a steady growth in the number of readers. Therefore a Sipwell antidote is necessary!

I have had a Malteser on my tail the last couple of weeks. Quite ironically that is, as Maltesers – pictured below, the "white dog" – are no match to this Belgian noble breed, called Belgian Shepherds - pictured below, the "black dogs". This Malteser has been challenging me to a duel. He wants a mano a mano on this blog with the great Master of the blog mano a mano’s. I have been laughing for weeks because of this challenge. My mind has been spinning, my belly has gotten six-pack Abs. He probably is unaware that my powers so far are unmatched, although AF9 has proven herself to be a worthy opponent.
I guess however I cannot but accept it. Just like in Ancien Rome where the enslaved and defeated enemies were no match for the well trained gladiators and the hungry lions in the Colosseum, the audiencedid not come to see the slaves win, yet to see how fast, how cruel and above all how skilled they were slaughtered. Some gladiators had quite a name to be inventive in their torture practices… and the people flocked to the Colloseum to see what they had in mind this week. After a serious and scientifically supported analysis we came to the conclusion that the PS audience is similar. They are not in the least interested in the outcome of a battle, they want to see the creativity of the fight and skilfulness of its performers.
Our intentions of course are pure: each and everyone of us has its place in the stellar constellation. You should stick to it and not long for another one’s place. You have to wait your turn rather than jump the queue. Understood bestdragon12? Or are the games still on?


Gentle_Man_ said...

hmmm that begian sheppard dog looks a bit effeminate

bestdragon12 said...

Ahh... poor sipwell
Thinks he can outsmart me with his little Belgian mind!
Well my friend, the battle has begun but frankly it will end with my counter strike :P