
Marx Brothers - Jokers "Par Excellence"

Yesterday was, I am sure you all know, April Fools' Day. So we at MB Towers decided to have a little bit of fun at the expense of our most respected leaders (Powdersnow and Hogweed) in PowerSoccer. It gained quite a following!

Here is the text:~

A new type of admin in the game...

PowerSoccer is a place to have fun.
Regardless of our background, we are here firstly for fun.
It has been decided, with this idea in mind, that a new type of admin will be created with an aim of strengthening the community and making this a fun place to be in.
Like any other admin, they will have their place in the admin team to serve the community and will be called the “FBA”.
FBA stands for “Fun-Bringing Admins”.
Overall objectives of these admins will be to create friendly cups, to engage in casual talk in public chats and to bring laughter to the forum.
Our game foremost has to be a place of amusement and joy.
Let this new type of admin give the “boost” to just that.

The requirements are very low. The only thing you need to be able to do is to tell a good joke and to be a very regular user. There are no special requirements with respect to age, chat or match bans or experience in the game.

Are you interested? Send a mail to both powdersnow@powerchallenge.com AND hogweed@powerchallenge.com (make sure to include both crew members!) and add your username, your team name, the best joke you heard/read last week and the following sentence: “Who ever thought crew would create such a fun admin job this time a year?”

That’s all folks! There are only 100 slots open, so you need to hurry or tell the best joke you know! Hogweed and Powdersnow will decide who becomes a FBA by the degree of their laughter at your joke and they will report back at the end of this week!

(Master Assistants – community development workgroup)

And there is more where that all came from....


Gaston said...

Best joke ever!!

Congrats guys, you won the April MAs!!

floddy said...

lol,you guys totally got me! I really believed you for 1.5 sec! What a joke! ;D