
Assessing our former enemy Surreal

Recently I got an invitation to join Surreal with my B-team, Wispell. It was kind of a surprise to actually receive an invitation, since I do not fulfil two out of three minimum requirements: my level is below 75 (as requested) and my Rating is below 1850 (as requested). How on earth would I be eligible as potential Surreal Member?
We all remember the fuzz that was given to the coming into being of this clan. It was announced with a lot noise and it was perceived as being an attack on the dynasty of Powersoccer clans, of which this clan was part. Powdersnow initially invited all level 99ers and got a 99 % rejection: everybody wished to stay in their own clan.
Powdersnow wisely decided not to steal members from important clans and surrounded him with an absolute B-team of users: some of which nobody had heard before, some others which had been in more clans than there are letters in the alphabet.

What we all expected happened: those clan-hoppers moved on, returned and moved on again and the others remained unknown to the wider public. Surreal was very active in the first days of its existence, but then went into a comatose state. The proof of that is manifold.
First, an active clan needs to participate in clan cups and gather clan points, in order to show to the world they are the best and they stay on top. Surreal last participation to a clan cup was… 11th of April 2009. Since then, not a clan cup has been played.
Second, an active and important clans succeeds in attracting new members who can bring the clan back to the top of clans. Marx Brothers recently saw fcrathnaconeen join and we all know his posts and his articles for PSE are the hottest pieces in town. He is the best, therefore he has MB-style, therefore we have to have him. And we did. Surreal seems to attract the left-overs, those people whom nobody really wanted or who themselves were for long anti-clan. The best example probably is Vkultras. He is in essence a nice chap but was not considered to be MB-material, although he did his bit of nagging. In fact, there was not even an internal discussion on his candidacy. Where did he end up? In Surreal, and immediately he was promoted to become Clan Co-Captain. New members immediately reaching the number two position in a clan, does that sound attractive? Doesn’t that mean the clan is, if not very near dead than at least near dead. Granted, he attracted a colony of Dutchmen who came over from an even more dead clan. It gives the left-over idea even more weight.
Third, members of Surreal – and its two spin-offs – seem to understand that this man is walking on its last feet. On their guestbook, a member of Surreal Youth writes: “also, guys, if none of you are active, then idk what im gonna do, youths looks like its dead, and if you guys dont respond idk what im gonna do.” He never got his reply but is still pushing to save Surreal Youth Academy. If people themselves start to understand this is a dead-end street, what about those people observing this clan?

We end with what 1_champion_1 wrote on their guestbook: “It's nice to see Surreal come back to life after 4? 5? months!!” The question is, my dearest 1_champion_1, for how long this time? Isn’t this the last breath of a clan that is mentally dead? If it ever comes to a funeral, not that many people will show up. Surreal started of with great ambition, but never lived up to its potential.


FCRathnaconeen said...
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Gentle_Man_ said...

ouch :)