
Dodo? More like Don'tdon't!

There seems to be a bit of a barney in progress at the moment. It would appear that clan Surreal have got their knickers in a twist over our marvellous blog and some of its contents.

Well, that's life, I guess!

You have to hand it to clan Surreal - when Auntie Powdersnow first started them up (s)he attempted to steal Marx Brothers from us. We were having none of it.

Then they attempted a clan war with us... and lost.

Then they decided that peace was best and formed an "alliance" with us. That lasted a long time, didn't it?

Now they have plastered anti-MB slogans all over their clan page in Power Challenge. Auntie Powdersnow has called upon all members of clan Surreal to decorate their badges with "Anti-MB". And the have a go at US when we decide to fight back!

And, if you don't believe me, have a look at this, written by clan co-captain rodry2 (you may need to click it to see it better):~

So this is our "alliance" is it? Hmmm.

You have to hand it to them though, they are trying really hard now. Their blog has sparked into life.... well, there are two new postings, the first meaningful posts since NOVEMBER 2008! And, it would appear, they have been playing some cups, even winning the odd one or two. Frankly, their points graph was beginning to rival Holland in its flatness as they had no activity whatsoever since mid-April.

So, what can we deduce from all of this? There can only be one conclusion that can be reached logically: MB has breathed new life into the Dodo! This can only be viewed as a miracle of huge proportions. Frankly, even the spiders on the webs decorating clan Surreal's blog had deserted the place, fed up with no food at all on which to feast.

But, dear reader, what happens now? How does our dear old Dodo respond from here?

For those who don't know, the Dodo was a friendly old bird which ultimately caused its own demise. Never having seen a human before, they waddled over with their inquisitive minds and looked up at the towering humans before them. As they did this, they were thinking "Wow! What's that? It's big! It's white and has funny hair on the top of its head - no wings, loooooong legs... never seen anything like that before. And what is that in it's hand? It's long, it has two tubes and some wood at the other end. It looks like it is fun. Perhaps it rhymes with fun.... nun... sun... GUN! I shall call it a gun. I wonder if it will be friendly...." BLAM!

Needless to say, the humans thought this was gr
eat sport and proceeded to wipe out the poor old bird.

So, as you wander about Planet Powerchallenge, if you see a poor old Surreal Dodo, please do the decent thing and leave it alone for it has not much time left in this world. For they have come wandering over to see us, they are looking at
our blog, they have decided to poke a bit of fun at us. And, as they do so, they think to themselves, "I wonder if they will be friendly....."


Gentle_Man_ said...

muahahaha I like to start my Friday morning with stuff like this :)

sipwell said...

Her Royal Highness of Entertainment has spoken again. Please let this never stop!