
MB vs. SURREAL Clan Cup Delight

Now we all know that SURREAL has some highly ranked users, such as pperplex, 1kaka, stigba, the retired redcard87, and others. But can those highly ranked users really compete against our experienced and respected Marx Brothers?

Yesterday, May 16, 2009 this was put to the test. A 2 vs. 2 clan cup (Marx Brothers vs. SURREAL) was played. Playing beside myself for the Marx Brothers was adeidos and playing for the dodos was soccerstar1985 and richard44. Did you expect SURREAL to dominate the Marx Brothers?

The first match played was mfsoccer94 vs. soccerstar1995. The match started with a early goal from mfsoccer94 to lead by one. A few minutes later, soccerstar1995 came back to score the equalizer. At that moment, the disconnection sign popped up and immediately soccerstar1995 had wrote on the cup chat that his browser froze. Soccerstar1995 ended up quitting the match, and mfsoccer94 won. The other match being played at the same time was adeidos vs. richard44. The match ended in a close game, adeidos 0, richard44 1. After the first round, Marx Brothers 3, SURREAL 3.

The second round had begun. It was mfsoccer94 vs. richard44. I don't remember the exact score of the match, but mfsoccer94 had won. I believe it was 3-1. Fighting to help me out was adeidos vs. soccerstar1995. Adeidos tried his best but fell to soccerstar1995. But at that moment, nothing else mattered.

The Marx Brothers had beaten SURREAL! The most valuable player was mfsoccer94. See the picture for proof, and watch as you are amazed. I thought SURREAL was supposed to better at the game and Marx Brothers better at blogging? I guess not. The outcome shows the Marx Brothers better at both.

Signing out, mfsoccer94.

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