
Soon to be Dinosaurs?

It’s official now. The self proclaimed enemies of the institute of the finest and wittiest in Power Soccer, you call it Marx Brothers, have “officially” declared themselves Anti-IOTFAWIPS(MB). A question I pose to the entire clan of surrealists is what has changed? You have added Anti-MB (Incorrect by the way, should be IOTFAWIPS) to your club member badges but what else? As far as I can tell or am concerned nothing else.

Why did you do it? Well there could be millions of reasons but I can say the main one, powdersnow told you too be, or taught you to agree. He showed you his side of the story and nothing else in the hope of convincing you to join him, or perhaps he just said do it or leave. Whatever the case it was ultimately pow’s decision. He has the power to sway minds, which is great. But here is the thing, here in IOTFAWIPS we are all influential masterminds. What we say can be spread everywhere. The forums, the dev blog, the gamerooms, the dashboard you name it we are there. Surreal has great users no doubt, but they do not have the power we have. We have the power!

There is so much power that normal users would probably go crazy trying to do only good with it. So we make our clan hard to join, we don’t let those that listen to posters telling them what to do. No! We make sure that only the finest and wittiest get in. Not because we strive to be the best, but because we must protect such grave power we have.

Now it comes to powdersnow this founder of yours that appears to be a strong believer in no Marx Brothers. But care to recall our birthday a while back, and see what pow had to say about us:

Let’s start with the obvious, MB is not an ordinary clan and doesn’t consist of ordinary people… they are all incredibly verbal and witty…everything they write worth reading…MB adds something vital to the Power Soccer community…I wish I had some of that attitude towards some stuff in my life…adds flavour to our community…If I could put something on my wish list for 2009, it would be to get more clans like MB.. Thank you MB. Congrats!

Under what you now see as an imminent doom and hypocrisy will you dodo’s back down and surrender or face the fury of all out blogging that will make you more like a dinosaur than a dodo. It’s up to you Surreal, face up or fall back!

Post 300 on the blog!


Aliy38 said...

Great post but sorry what is IOTFAWIPS stands for? :)

Swedeswede said...

Nothing else but the institute of the finest and wittiest in Power Soccer :D