
Mfsoccer94 Hits 2 Years of Power Soccer

Joining July 20, 2007; the day before my birthday. I must have been very bored that day, searching miniclip, playing games. It was then that I came across this wonderful game, at the time it was called Power Football. That marked the beginning of my journey.

Back then, the forums were mostly inactive. Barely anyone had over 2000 posts and it was easy to be a top poster. I was even one of them, yes I was. But what struck me is that I had not posted in the forums until a month after I joined. A friendly leedomargus was the first to ever reply to that post. Thus began my forum career. I never made it to the top forumer, and never really cared much. But I was number 3 for a while. I barely posted in the beginning, but then was everyone you looked.

January 14, 2008. Sipwell contacted me via guestbook suggesting me to write an article to apply for reporter. Turns out, I took his advice. My first article, "New features for Power Soccer" was a hit. Powdersnow loved the article and accepted me as a reporter. He even published the article on the homepage! Here you can read the article: powersoccerextra.wordpress.com/2008/02/18/new-feat... I have written many articles for Power Soccer Extra under the great polidoro76. To see some of my articles, just search mfsoccer94 on Power Soccer Extra. Polidoro created Power Soccer Extra but unfortunately had retired and asked for his account to be deleted months after. That marked another spark in my career. After his retirement, I was appointed Editor of the reporters. This means that I would read, edit, and publish every article submitted and then they would appear on the dashboard when I wanted them to. Power Soccer Extra has had many changes, we first began at powersoccerextra.weebly.com... We were a small group consisting of about 5 reporters. Some included sc0obie and mr.admin. During the summer, it was time for a resign.

On August 12, 2008, I resigned from reporter. My closing remarks were, "January 12, 2008: The day we switched to wordpress. The day my first article was published on Power Soccer Extra. The day I became a reporter. Polidoro76, one of the friendliest guys you will meet, the old Editor of reporters who had given me his job as Editor. I will never regret the days I have edited, written articles and have made friends. Power Soccer Extra is like a home to me, its just time I need to resign. High school is starting, work increasing...its time for an end. Great times I have had, which will never be forgotten. Anionic, the most recent addition to the family, a great Master Assistant who I immediately became friends with. Through ideas, structure, reorganizing the reporters and more, I will never forget you. Hogweed, the Head Master Assistant, who would check up on me time to time, who would help me when I'm down and when I'm just not sure what to do. Thanks for everything. Last but not least, Sipwell, who recommended me to apply for reporter, look how far I've come. And to all of you, thanks for making my journey a good one." Many users were upset at my resign, but I knew things would come.

Along the journey, I had originally began as a BDKAS. BDKAS was the first clan and stood for Biggy007, Dagriggstar, Kishan, mr.Admin, and soccerduke27. I spent a while in that clan but things were falling apart. I believe that dagriggstar was retiring and it was time to go. Soccerduke27 and I both joined Marx Brothers. Ever since then, I have been in MB. When the official clans system came on 11/12/2008, I was officially a MB. I have met great guys and linda, hehe in that clan, and enjoy it so much. Today, I am the captain of MB.

I am the captain of Sweden National Team which am I proud of. I wanted to give back to the crew originally for all they have done so I applied to be captain of Sweden. I played for them in the Euro 2008 on Power Soccer which was so much fun. Leedomargus was a great support too.

I have accomplished so many things while being here at Power Soccer. I am number one in USA for the first time ever. 7/6/09 began my reign as number one. I am amazed and proud to be number one as I have worked very hard to accomplish it. I know I am not the best at Power Soccer though and expect people to catch up to me soon.

I write this article with many thoughts in mind as to hope to be writing this article with more news in years to come. Tomorrow marks the official 2 years of mfsoccer94 and Power Soccer and Tuesday is my birthday.

Thank you for reading.

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