
Accident de parcours: Gentle_man_ gets to level 99

Some philosophers consider that our life is made up of accidental meetings. We bump into people we are going to marry later on in bars, discos or in the case of Airfix_9 in the row to get shelter that night. Who we are and what we become is a linkage of accidental events. If you weren’t attending that school and having that teacher, your life would have been completely different. If you weren’t under the influence of those bad friends you met in your football club – yes, swedeswede and soccerduke37, looking at you guys – you would have put more time in training than in drinking Mountain Dew afterwards. Can we ever know how many great football players we missed like that?
Gentle_man_ has taken that philosophical claim too literally the other day. Preparing for his final game towards level 99, he decided to participate in a cup. Just one game, preferably a loss, and he would be ready to get to level 99 in one of the famous Marx Brothers tournaments, to which even Sipwell participates and thus gladly enters a cup room (note: not a gameroom). But alas, just like the scorpion wasn’t able to control his nature and not sting the turtle that was swimming him to the other side of the river, Gentle_man_ couldn’t control his temper and not win all of his game. He even withdrew from the cup (some bystanders said after he won both games) but alas… it was too late: he was level 99 by accident!

By doing so, he broke a rather remarkable record. He is the first ever user to ever play accidentally to level 99. He didn’t make a big fuss about it (still hitting his head against the wall) but we should still congratulate him with this great achievement. As a song, which is the tradition here at MB, I chose for a good old (and basically very ironic in this context) Dutch classic "We Zullen doorgaan" (We shall move on as in: we won't give up)

Congratulations my friend!!!!

1 comment:

Gentle_Man_ said...

Well story of my life: always desperately trying to be different, to stand out in the crowd. Not by being the best but by being euh...well...euh... stupid/clumsy/odd/[feel free to complete].

But thanks anyway copain!

Now I come to the end of this journey as well, I guess it will be time to move on to the next goal. Does anyone have the telephone number of the editor of Playgirl?