
Saturday Tomfoolery

For others it may not be Saturday for you, which I am sorry. To those that today is Saturday, I am sorry as well. Why? Because my Saturday beats all of your days and that is all that counts. Unless you are talking about math teachers because they also count. Saturday is the day of tomfoolery.

*Question from the Audience* "What is tomfoolery DragonStriker?" Ah yes good question. Tomfoolery is foolish or senseless behavior. Usually every time Sipwell does something, or airfix decides to play a game, they are participating in tomfoolery and should be ignored on site. You should also report them to your local authorities so we can keep these people off the Power Soccer streets. If you want yet another example, please view this action of Tomfoolery as it shows you why being smart and civilized pays off. If you have anymore questions regarding this subject, please feel free to stop by my office. Class dismissed.


Runaway Panzies of Power Soccer

Throughout my time on Power Soccer, I have come across many people who are very kind and love the game. They support the game by buying various items, supporting the hard work of the crew, and generally playing the game without complaints. However, there has been a slight rise in the panzies growing this season, which is odd because panzies shouldn't grow near winter season. You will get the people who ask, "why must I pay for a lame game when I can haz a cheezburger" or "I hate it when people dribble past my defender and score a goal." They then begin to display their hate on the wall of wailing and cry foul often like a famous Portugal soccer player we should all know and not understand. The panzies are then picked from the ground and run off to "better games" like "Dungeons and Dragons," "Pokemon," or "Fifa". I cry nay (because I am half man half horse) and have found a game that is home of the panzies. Now maybe the panzies can grow in a climate most suited for them. This game clearly has to be better than Power Soccer right? I mean the complexity is so intense (like a double rainbow flick) and you can always win or quit without worrying about your invisible rp. Yeah this has to be gold in the making right here. I even asked Kanye West what he thought about it and he said It's Amazing.

* Try to get a high score and send me a screenshot of it so you can be honored in a post challenge ends October 9th.*

Now run like the wind and go Play this soccer game so you may be featured in the greatest post of all.

This is DragonStriker saying, "If two wrongs don't make a right, what makes a left?"

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