
Marx Brothers' Christmas Special

During the month of december, Bigdaddyat and myself decided that – for Christmas – we need to do something special. We have already invited Dainsanefh to our clan as an act of hospitality and reaching out to the impoverished, chanceless people on this planet. The fact that we made thousands of people happy by taking that smelly, long-haired and ill-mannered punk of the streets was rewarding, but we wanted something more positive as well.

That is why we decided that the Marx Brothers should, during the winter holidays, organize a show. Not just a show, a very special show: an ice skating show.

Early in December we started to do try-outs to see who could be participating in the show. Jimmykilcoo, eager as always, was the first who arrived at the – granted – rather small pool in Bigdaddyat’s backyard. His performance however was not exactly what we had in mind.

Hilarious. Absolutely. Marx Brother style. No doubt. Class? Hell no.

Airfix_9 didn’t fare a lot better. In fact, she never made it to try-out itself.

We wish you a speedy recovery, AF9. I hope the bruises do not hurt too much.

Dainsanefh proved that intelligence wasn’t one of the reasons why he joined the Marx Brothers:

In fact, when we finally got all of the other Marx Brothers on ice, the result wasn’t promising:

What we didn’t know at that time was that Anionic had other much more lofty commitments the day of the try-out. To be honest, our hopes of Anionic being any good at ice-skating were close to zero. He is a Brit. They hardly know what ice is as it just rains, rains, rains all day. It is never so cold that there is an ice layer where he can show off his “qualities”. (Mind you: you can’t blame him. Brits usually suck at Winter Olympics).

However, what we saw was impressive:

That is why we have decided to name our show ANI ON ICE!

For information about tickets, offers and other hilarious footage about the other skaters, please contact our sales manager Airfix_9.

1 comment:

dainsanefh said...

I would dive onto ice, wouldn't I? HAHA...you're just making me famous. My legacy goes on >:)