
Another Great MB Victory

I have decided to give BDKAS a rest from my endeavours to beat them constantly and switch my attention to that other venerable institution, Madini. And who better to face than Mr Madini himself, Mainmukit.

With a slight sense of trepidation, I watched my own cup fill with users who are all higher level than me and my fears were justified when I was paired up with - arguably - Canada's best Power Soccer player.

Now, it is probable that, had I still been the possessor of a hirsute upper lip, I may not have been able to run as fast as I did tonight. Certainly, my inability to taste the remnants of tonight's dinner from my bristles (and this is why I won't grow it back again) is a contributing factor to the latest in the great Marx Brothers story. Indeed, I comprehensively took Main apart, sending him packing back across the pond with his tail firmly placed between his shaking knees.


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