
All restless on the Moustache Front (3)

You probably all have been wondering: what was so bad about this? What will come? Probably Airfix_9 shaved his moustache again without BMB knowing? Maybe he bought himself a fake moustache to deceive all of us? There is one thing I can tell already: if it was only this we would have been happy. Prepare for the worst in this final section of my secret mission.

Sipwell had been analyzing the video images stemming from the hidden cameras in the AF9 mansion and comparing them to the “log in moments” of AF9. AF9 usually logged in around midnight CET and logged out around 1 or 2 PM CET. If we compared these facts with the video images we had we came to a shocking discovery! The person logging in and logging out on powersoccer, the person we had all been chatting with and been playing games with could never HAVE a moustache as this person was female! (Please sit down to pause a bit; I know, it was bad for my heart too). Yes, Airfix_9 is a girl! She is called Christine Jones, turned 34 a couple of weeks ago and works in a beauty parlour a couple of blocks from where she lives. She has irregular hours but has time to check the powersoccer site regularly. Her specialities are nails and the rough work on the face (sipwell must admit she is rather good at her job and his feet and face can testify that). She lives together with her bloke, a car mechanic, who is working long hours after his daytime job: he refurbishes old speedsters. He has a tattoo in his neck with the name “Sabrina”, apparently the name of his favourite car, a Tiger.
Strangely enough this was not the person on the personal picture. The person we see on the personal picture is the milk man, a friendly yet somewhat clumsy character. In Sipwell his three days observation, he saw a number of milk bottles touch the ground in an unhealthy way. The milk man is a die hard Chelsea fan and visits all their home games. The personal picture was taken in front of the Christine Mansion on the outskirts of London, probably on a winter morning! Christine, as she wanted a very good cover, went through all the football magazines to look for a team she could support but also a team that hardly anyone knew off or would ever want to know something about. At the same time this team had to have a certain prestige and not be too absent, otherwise they would all forget about her right from the start. She ended up with Fulham, an eternal fighter against relegation - with some up moments once every 20 years. She started to learn and study everything about the team, to a point her boyfriend suspected she might have an affair with a) a Fulham player (likely, as she is a very goodlooking brunette) or b) a Fulham fan (likely, as she is a welcome guests in a number of football pubs around town). Her boyfriend was deceived: she all did it to become a vital part of an online gaming community called powersoccer.

Where do we, as deceived friends (and clan brothers), stand? What will happen in the short future? How can we cope with the fact that Christine has been lying to us, yet has shown to be a good friend, a good sport and a superb Master Assistant of our community?
I suggest that from now on we refer to Airfix_9 as she and that we forget whatever wrongdoings there were in the past. Maybe this is the start of a new era, an era wherein a lot of female powersoccerplayers will come clean, an era in which women finally will understand why their boyfriends, husbands are all so addicted to a spectacular game.

Airfix_9, show us (and them) the way!


Anonymous said...


soroe said...

Great revelation of a sad case, which seems to have a happy ending.
If this is the case I humble myself and withdraw my statements about bringing the moustache back. In this situation we can't have that.