
Is it personal? Do I care?

It would appear that I am suffering a thinly-veiled attack on my facial features. Initially, my tactic was to ignore it and hope it goes away... would that work? Alas no.

So, who is to blame for this attack? Is it the evil and verbally destitute BDKAS empire? No.
Some other clan whom we have managed to upset with our loquacious dexterity, then? No.
Hmmm - I am running out of ideas... the Crew of Power Soccer - the most marvellous game on the Internet? Still no.

Perhaps surprisingly, this literary assault comes from within - from our very own mad Belgian, Sipwell.

So, should I really be shocked at this? Perhaps some research will help me here...

There are two main scientific camps regarding the major influences on a person's behaviour: "Nature" (that the behaviour is coded within the brain at birth and, as such, needs not be learned) and "Nurture" (that behaviour is learned and influenced by outside forces: parentage, upbringing, local infrastructure). Me? I am firmly in the "Nurture" camp - just watch the film "Trading Places", one of the finest 1980s comedies ever, and you will see how this manifests itself.

What, then, is it about Sipwell's life that influences him to behave in this way? I resolve myself to find out.

I shall not sleep.
I shall not rest.
I shall not stop until I discover the reason for the onslaught on my person and then I shall share it with you, dear reader. Who knows? Maybe this could be the start of a ground-breaking article to be published in a major science magazine.

Let us not get ahead of ourselves though. The game - as the renowned British detective, Sherlock Holmes, once said - is afoot!

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