
Forum Domination / World Mediocrity

In the last few days, the news has been coming fast and furious here on Mt. Marx. Two more Marx Bros. have surpassed the 2,000 forum posts mark. Both Soccerduke27 and Ricepudding9 have passed this great milestone, and continue to roll on. This gives MB an unprecedented 4 of the 8 users beyond 2,000. We continue to assert our Forum Domination, as proclaimed previously. We revel in this fact, as it is the only thing we will truly ever dominate.

You may ask how so many Marx Bros. can reach so many posts? It's simple really, we have developed the latest technology in computers, affording our members the ability to continue to post into the wee hours of the night, while other PS users are slumbering peacefully in their beds.

Yes folks, it's the coffeeputer! Designed to keep you up and posting until your fingers bleed. Please note that this machine is specifically engineered to not be compatible with tea, so you will note airfix_9 is nowhere in sight on the Top 10 list. Yes, Little Miss Teabag will have to do it the old-fashioned way, through grit, determination, and slapping her own face alot.

On another note, MB has added a plethora of quality new members over the last couple of weeks, and we have further expanded our reach internationally. You may have noticed the new banner depicting the flags of all of the nations currently represented in Marx Bros. We have 17 members as of right now, representing 11 different countries! World mediocrity will soon be ours, muahahaha!

Additionally, our rapid growth has left us with the dilemma of whether to fill up now, or save our precious few remaining slots for some good users who come along in the future. The clan "brain trust", and we use that term very loosely, have decided it best that we save our last few slots for future growth. That said, it has been requested that the inundation of Sip and the blog with requests to join be ceased at once. In order to insulate ourselves from the invading army of the clanless, we are considering making some future improvements on Mt. Marx. Yes, we have decorated our home all nice and pretty, and added some functionality, but now, we are forced to re-evaluate our existing security measures. The consultants brought on board had 2 concerns. One, we were painfully unprotected from the invading army, so they recommended that we build a moat around Mt. Marx to aid in the defense from attackers (see artists rendering at right). Secondly, they questioned our sanity for doing so, while ostensibly keeping ourselves from leaving when Wispell goes on one of his tirades. We have decided to take the first recommendation under advisement, while pondering the second for a bit, to be reconsidered at a later date.


duke4 said...

Nice moat! I think I'll take a swim later on. Great post mate.

BigDaddyAt said...

Watch out for the pirhana...

sipwell said...

Genius at work!!!! This is truly a wonderful story. Lmao...

World mediocrity is indeed soon ours. Have you seen the number of readers on a daily basis?

duke27 said...

Nice moat, I will join duke and we can wrestle piranhas together.

BigDaddyAt said...

A pair of Dukes fighting in the water...brings new meaning to the phrase "put up your Dukes"...lol

rush4gold said...

forum is for girlz !!1

such as Christine (hot 1 remember?)

good pics bigdaddy!

since bdkas and bia are smoked, who is next?

duke4 said...

"Put up your Dukes". lol