
MMMMM... BIA for breakfast.

That's right folks! BIA tastes very good, I wish there was more of them. They are especially good with some syrup and fruit on the side. Yum... Well, now my mouth is watering, so I'd better get my mind off it. Now I shall "digest" lenar's latest post, which sounds absolutely ludicrous if you know the real facts. Want to hear them? READ ON!

LIE: "Hello there, duke do you have any proofs that i (kish) approved of raptors to help. Please think again. See if there is no proof then you can't just blame on -BIA- that we approved Raprots to help Us."
TRUTH: First of all lenar, Raprots are not a clan. If you think they are, what game are you playing? Unlike you, I got the truth, through a bit of researching (digging in the forums). I found The site of the raptors. Did you? I guess not, because if you did, you may have seen our buddy bojan say: "today during morning i saw KIshan i told him he has our support! he completely agrees with a rematch to Marx Brothers." Don't believe me? See for yourself! Now if you've read my previous post, you will notice how much exclamation points he uses and how little "Is" are capitalized (I'll give you a hint, the number is shaped like an oval). Bojan then talks about how he is discussing with BIA about activities.
Please do not be alarmed with our little terrorist in our chat, from this post you can tell how the clan he supports is full of lies... So why believe him?

Lenar then talks about how mfsoccer tried to steal the bia clan page with a url of biaps.blogspot.com. First of all lenar, how was he supposed to know what your clan was abbreviated. Nobody would ever even dream about it being "Brother in Arms". Since the word "brother" is singular, shouldn't "arms" be singular as well? It could be the other way around too, but let me just say it was one of the many grammar mistakes in your post. I think part of the reason your grammar sounds nothing like the old lenar is because your eyes are shadowed with the thick fog that hangs over that blog, as it is very unoriginal and boring. Look at our new spruced up blog. Even without the fancy chat we were hauling in more (amazing) viewers a day than you did (BIA and BDKAS) in a week! Can't say that with your foggy blog can you? So let us give some credit to mfsoccer94 for making an educated guess, something that the Brother in Arms clan does not know how to.

LIE: "O really we are and one day old clan????????...Actually We are old --BDKAS-- born long before MB came to existence. Just because we got a new name doesn't make it a one day old clan. If you think changing a name makes a new clan and one day clan let me ask you this, when you change the team name of PS does that make you a new team? one day old team?"
TRUTH: First of all, the Marx Brothers were born about a week after --BDKAS-- was. If that is a long time, then 60 (or so) weeks of school must be a light year. A one week old baby has been alive for a "long time" then? What if you've been playing powersoccer for just a week, is that a "long time"? Not only is your genius gone, but so is your sense of time. Yes, you were a very smart person, before BIA started.

Well, next lenar says, "we have more than 3 memebrs. First find out the truth then speak up. Don't just speak what you what. We do hold each other hands but no like in the real life where you hold your brother hands and walk them to the park. We support each other back and help them when ever they want help."

Half of that didn't even make sense, especially the last sentence (grammer again, pfft). But what I DID catch was lenar admitting that his clan members do in fact, hold hands. What I also understood is that they have more than three members. Yes, after finding your MEMBERS tab (Who needs tabs to show badges...) I saw that there was more than three. My apologies lenar, since the only three members I saw prior to that were you, bearsfan, and kish. Those are the only active members on your blog... Scroll down to the bottom of ours and see how much Marx Brothers contribute. You will see more than three.
Back to the tabs again... Let me show the content of each:
  • Home: The main page of the blog. This is perhaps the worst tab there is.
  • Members: The quiet players who do nothing for their clan but win matches.
  • Achievements: This page has, well, nothing! I enjoy this one the most, as the fog isn't really over it too much.
  • About us: A copy of the first (or second) ever post on the blog, real original, eh kish?
  • Contact us: Allows users to post comments about the clan. Too bad comments are moderated so they don't see their comment, causing them to never visit the sad blog again (hey, if I didn't have to expose their flaws I would be gone by now!)
  • Other Clans: A detailed list of clans (half of which are inactive) in which I did not find "Raptors" listed. So, you don't even have your ally on your list? Pretty sad if you ask me.
  • Links: Two links, "Powersoccer" (nobody knows that url!) and PowersoccerExtra.
This blog really stinks, did I mention the fog that hangs over it? (I did? Sorry) Anyways, you have to be pretty gullible to believe everything that has come our of the mouth of our friend lenar, but what do you expect? They are Brothers holding hands, they really don't have anything to scare us about.

Signing out from the "Evil Empire" that is my pleasure to be a part of,


1 comment:

BigDaddyAt said...

Very true Duke! Sad, but true...