
Icarus in the clan world

Have you seen how the Surreal website looks like? Visually it has some qualities (although you need to zoom to read anything) but content-wise? Have you noticed the personality culture that springs from it? Three paragraphs about the “founder” and the great qualities this person has. Our poor Hogweed is now forced to throw rosebuds at mr. Powdersnow every morning. He has to “hail Leader” too. Rumour has it that Powdersnow is even developing an anthem, a constitution and a flag. All of them will be linked himself. We will surely found out how the lyrics of this anthem will be. I have heard from some crew members that they are fed up already with the personality cult Powdersnow is forcing up all of them. Shaolinda herself found it absolutely not done she had to wipe his buttocks after the Master did a number two. Especially not when Powdersnow exclaimed: “behold, the gold of my Kingdom.” As for the constitution, it will be short and filled with spelling mistakes. Probably article one (and the only article) will be: “Do as you are told bi me, Powdersnow.”

Why, you might reckon, did Powdersnow all of a sudden start a clan? The answer is plain and simple: his colleagues can’t take it anymore he bosses around at work, so he needed a new play tool. And that play tool has become a set of innocent young, well meaning people who will be eternally shocked by Powdersnow. Wouldn’t you be shocked by somebody who promised to bring sandwiches for all of you at lunchtime but turns up with a sandwich for himself alone? Wouldn’t you be shocked who promises to pay the second round of beers but all of a sudden is called away, every week? Wouldn’t you be shocked by someone who comes in last at work and says, at a quarter past three in the afternoon: ‘well you lazy bumps. Got to go. Appointment with the hairdresser!”

Marx Brothers have decided to become a safe-haven for all of those crew members who need post-trauma support. One part of that support is to expose the source of all evil, Icarus himself :P

It is also hilarious to note that hardly ANY of the members fulfil one or more of the criteria Powdersnow has set. Apart from Pow himself (obviously), Thibramar and poor Hogweed all the others are not near the qualifications necessary. What does this imply? It implies that this next-to-the-best clan is already lowering its standards. Quality is unimportant: we need quantity. We need people willing to participate in the personality cult Powdersnow is expecting. As we are no mean, below-the-belt kind of authors, we will leave out any comment on the fact that some of the new clan members are what we call in the business “clan hoppers” who change more often from clan than from socks.

And this is (joke of a) clan is supposed to form a threat to the MB or any clans around? We have in the past seen a lot of personality cults who climb towards the sun but crash into the sea. As we truly consider Powdersnow to be a great person, a brilliant crew member and an irreplaceable part of our Powersoccer community, we must help him get back to his senses. I suggest therefore that we address Powdersnow from now on as ICARUS to make him clear that he is on the wrong track. Rather than viciously attack Marx Brothers and steal their members, he should have offered an enduring friendship and looked up to us, for the time his clan is still a new kid on the block, with an utmost respect.

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