
The truth has its rights

It seems that Powdersnow has discovered the possibilities of lying outright and twisting and turning arguments. He left out of our conversation important parts which showed that he moved from apparent dominance to fear… Was Hogweed that close to moving to the Marx Brothers? Was Hogweed, a user who has always considered MB as a top clan all of a sudden set on attacking us? The “haha” changed tone after Icarus found out that it might be true.

Hogweed was indeed not very happy that he had to change his team name. In a sneaky conversation with Sipwell - he has to be sneaky as King Pow is following his clan brothers their footsteps closely, or so he thinks – he said on the question that he would join Surreal: “hehehe not sure... i've heard they want to change my team name. (…) It's not possible for me to change the team name...”

And what about the other accusations uttered by Powdersnow? “MB tries to steal one of our valuable members, and we tried to defend ourselves. THAT is the reason for this war, nothing else.” That is simply false. We consider Hogweed to have great resemblances with Willy the Killer Whale. The poor animal, with a great spirit and a great personality, was locked up in a cave and had to perform degrading tricks every other day. We want to set Willy Hogweed free. We want to liberate him from the chains he is now trapped in. One way of freeing Willy Hogweed is by taking him on board of Marx Brothers, where freedom and individuality are cherished and defended. Just compare our requirements with that of Surreal and look who is the greedy team.

Points 3 and 4 of Powdernow his arguments are meaningless: we are a tradition here at PS. We have been around for the 3d longest and the only clan who remained the same ever since. How does a youngster dare to challenge us? Mature and come back, not sooner but also not later. If you really want to go in the achievement lane: note how many MB users are present in the top 100 by accident, note how many of them by accident won an Official Cup, note how many by losing a lot ended up as level 99. How’s that for an achievement? Moreover, if we would be “jealous” of Surreal, how come the clan ‘founder’ wanted to steal half of our team? Was it to spice up his meagre performances so far? Was it because he could have more experience and expertise in his clan? We don’t brag about our performances because they simply do not matter. We are here to have fun, to give other people a great time and to help wherever we can whenever we can. How’s that for an achievement.

And as for who started the war: the answer is plain and simple. If you challenge somebody you have to bear the consequences. Just like when the Swedes were putting all their troops at the border with Denmark in the 1600s. You had to see the look on their faces when the Danes considered the threat imminent and retalliated by annihilating the Swedish army. You have challenged us to a duel, don’t start complaining you didn’t know what the consequences of your act would be. If a mouse is stepping on the toe of a person, it knows it is going to be kicked. It has two options: flee or fight. As the website of Surreal indicates: they waited for the fight. Live up to it then.

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