
MB challenged to blog war by Surreal

Although we wished the new clan Surreal a great deal of succes in the future and we even considered to allow them a place in our links to brotherclans, the truth has revealed itself only four days after the clan is founded.

The first important move was made by Hogweed who, as Überadmin, decided a while ago he had to stay neutral from all clan events. He refused a nice offer to join the only clan that matters and one of the few clans that doesn’t expect its member to change their team name or their badge. We cherish diversity above unity. We are all individuals sticking together strongly. Yet Hogweed was FORCED by Powdersnow to join the clan Surreal. He had no choice. I will not make public the conditions of this ‘surrender’: I will rest my case by saying they were grave inflictions on such a great personality. And now Hogweed, in a moment of severe depression, said he even had to alter his badge and his team name… something he hasn’t done since he joined this game a long, long time ago.
The second move was made by Clanmaster Powdersnow himself. Little did we suspect that Powdersnow in fact was just a nom de plume for the Devil himself. Yes ladies and gentlemen: I have looked in his (beautiful) eyes and have smelled the toasted skin. Not only did he invite all members of the Marx Brothers individually in a personal message, he also tried to lure them away with fantastic gifts (free trips to Sweden), loads of attention and other things which our young readers wouldn’t understand. Look at the proof:

And this is only part of it. He contacted every member of the Marx Brothers he considered to be “good enough” (including Sipwell) to join his clan. Too bad it didn’t work out, hey Mr. Clan Brother Snatcher? Look what his response was: “im dissapointed i wasnt (sic) able to nick any of your members... i ahve (sic) to give u that” Apart from grave spelling mistakes, he is not even blushing he performed such a grave infliction on Clan Brothers honour. Marx Brothers and other clans have never stolen anyone from another clan. Some people wanted to join this or that clan and were welcomed. But stealing clan brothers? Pah!

The third move was made by Devillish Powdersnow too. He gravely insulted Sipwell and the Marx Brothers in a private conversation. Apart from lecturing him on why Hogweed was his (as stated above; note that he did not even respect the individuality of Hogweed but portrayed him as an ‘object’ he owned), he affronted Sipwell by calling him “a week (sic) debater” and he affronted the Marx Brothers by…

take your handkerchief readers, I even have difficulties to repeat the words he wrote…

… calling them a “micronation” uncapable of creating added value.

You know how Marx Brothers respond to such an attack?
You know how honour and pride is valued greatly in our ranks?

We declare (blog) WAR on Surreal. Let them shiver in fear. We have beaten a large number of stronghold clans in the past. We will not underestimate this puppyclan. We will stay alert and confront them with appropriate measures.

The trophy of this war will be the illustrious Hogweed. We want his liberty restored! We want his individuality restored! We want him to be able to think and speak freely and to do what he does best: be a great man!



BigDaddyAt said...

The cannons have sounded from the opening volley, and the lesser writers shall begin to fall...

duke4 said...

I'm glad that my skills in game play were not good enough to earn an invite. I'm glad that my skills in literary warfare far exceed those mentioned above. I will strike hard and fast and will show no mercy towards those who have attacked my brothers. :)

Airfix_9 said...

He can consider my Twiglets to be OFF-LIMITS.

There. That'll tell him!